Schindler Family Statement
Press Release For Immediate Release – 03-31-05 4.45 PM (GMT-5) Statement of the Schindler Family Pinellas Park, FL – As you are aware, Terri is now with God and she has been released from all earthly burdens. After these recent years of neglect at the hands of those...Scientists to make mouse with human brain – and aborted fetal tissue Scientists to make ‘Stuart Little’ mouse with the brain of a human By James Langton in New York (Filed: 06/03/2005) It will look like...Merck Annual Shareholder Meeting
Human Life International and Children of God for Life Team Up Once Again At Merck Shareholder Meeting – Win Over 60 Million Voter Shares in Pro-Life Resolution Victory
Want information to be in English
Dear GOD! Have mercy on this. Makes me want to vomit.