Sound Choice Easter 2013 News

1) The CDC reports autism spectrum disorders now afflict 1 in 50 US children In addition to epidemic levels of autism spectrum disorder, we also have epidemic levels of several other childhood neurodevelopmental disorders, including childhood onset schizophrenia,...

Sound Choice

In December 2007 meetings, Children of God for Life’s and millions of parents’ long-awaited hopes were about to be realized by the commitment of AVM Biotechnology and their non-profit arm, Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute (SCPI). Founded by Research and...

SCPI Autism Study Press Release

Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute’s (SCPI) founder and lead scientist, Dr Theresa Deisher, presented their ongoing study into the possible link between aborted fetal DNA in several childhood immunizations with Autism and Austim Spectrum Disorder (ASD) at the International Meeting for Autism Research in Philadelphia, PA May 20-22, 2010.