Reprogramming Pro-lifer’s Minds – Part II

In response to the latest erroneous reporting on reprogramming of adult stem cell cells: Should Pro-Life People Object to Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells?  we offer our...

IMR-90 and IMR-91

Perhaps the most damning evidence comes directly from the Coriell Cell Repository Report on why IMR-90 and IMR-91 were created in the first place. Read the story in their own words. Additional References: IMR-90 AND IMR-91 (NIA/NIH WEBSITE)...

Vaccines & Abortions

Aborted Fetal Cell Line Vaccines And The Catholic Family A Moral and Historical Perspective Original Appeal Filed With The National Catholic Bioethics Center And The US Conference of Catholic Bishops Issued September 2003 (Updated October 2005) Update added -2019...