Moral Shingles Vaccine FDA Approved

Morally produced shingles vaccine approved in both US and Canada (Largo, FL)  Children of God for Life announced today that the long-awaited, morally produced shingles vaccine has received FDA approval for licensing in the US.  Shingrix, made by Glaxo SmithKline (GSK)...

Are Vaccines Morally Acceptable

Are Vaccines Manufactured on Aborted Fetal Cell Lines Morally Acceptable? Note:  The following opinions do not necessarily reflect the position of Children of God for Life one way or another.  They are offered for our readers as a means of educating oneself on the...

How Can You Help?

There are lots of things you can do to get involved – from simple tasks to full-scale projects:  Here are a few ideas: Sign the online petition.  At least 50% of the American population is pro-life. A mere 1% of people supporting our efforts can bring about...