Prove It

Proof that Aborted Children are Used to Produce Vaccines By Debra Vinnedge, Founder Have people ever told you they don’t believe we could possibly have vaccines produced right here in America from aborted fetal cell lines? Did anyone tell you it was a...

Proposed Revisions

Proposed Informed Consent Revisions to VIS For Aborted Fetal Cell Line Vaccines and Medical Products (Abbreviated format)   Each revised VIS will contain a new Section titled Informed Consent, with the opening paragraphs identical on each statement form as shown...

Sound Choice

In December 2007 meetings, Children of God for Life’s and millions of parents’ long-awaited hopes were about to be realized by the commitment of AVM Biotechnology and their non-profit arm, Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute (SCPI). Founded by Research and...

CMA 2010

Read the latest article: Do Matters of Soul matter in medicine? Complete interviews from the Catholic Medical Association meeting in Seattle Also:  Integrated Catholic Life  Partial Quoting: 1)     The goal of medicine should not be to use some humans to save the rest...