by Debi Vinnedge | Mar 5, 2012 | News, Pepsi Boycott
In a shocking decision delivered Feb 28th, President Obama’s Security and Exchange Commission ruled that PepsiCo’s use of aborted fetal remains in their research and development agreement with Senomyx to produce flavor enhancers falls under “ordinary business operations”.
by Debi Vinnedge | Jan 26, 2012 | Fetal & Vaccine Research, News
Oklahoma Senator correct – mainstream media wrong: Aborted fetal cells are used in development of flavor enhancers for food products.
by Debi Vinnedge | Feb 29, 2008 | Archive, Fetal & Vaccine Research, News, Vaccines
In a victory for pro-life families around the world, AVM Biotechnology LLC (AVM Biotech) today announced their decision to provide ethical alternatives in the fields of biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and vaccine development.
by Jose Trasancos | Aug 4, 2022 | Abortion, Fetal & Vaccine Research, News
And there are monsters we imagine. Those we conjure up often drive us to distraction, and that is neither good nor productive. The Senomyx issue has become more and more visible in recent months, and it has overflowed the banks. I feel compelled to comment...
by Jose Trasancos | May 9, 2022 | Abortion
We receive several inquiries a week asking for updates on food and beverage companies that are using Senomyx flavor enhancing technology. The requests are sufficiently regular that a post is warranted to describe the current state of affairs. Many are aware of what...
Want information to be in English
Dear GOD! Have mercy on this. Makes me want to vomit.