MRC-5 Aborted Fetal Cell Line

Coriell Cell Repositories Related Information on WI-38 Aborted Fetal Cell Line Cell Line Characteristics Repository Number: AG05965 Subcollection: Specially Characterized Fibroblasts Sample Description: MRC-5 – Normal Human Fetal Lung Fibroblast Cell Type:...

Prove It

Proof that Aborted Children are Used to Produce Vaccines By Debra Vinnedge, Founder Have people ever told you they don’t believe we could possibly have vaccines produced right here in America from aborted fetal cell lines? Did anyone tell you it was a...

Package Insert Samples

Samples of Current Manufacturer’s Product Inserts Using Aborted Fetal or Embryonic Cell Lines   Highlighted portions list the aborted fetal cell lines.  Translated these components are: – RA273 – Rubella virus strain taken from the kidney of the 27th...

Proposed Revisions

Proposed Informed Consent Revisions to VIS For Aborted Fetal Cell Line Vaccines and Medical Products (Abbreviated format)   Each revised VIS will contain a new Section titled Informed Consent, with the opening paragraphs identical on each statement form as shown...

Sample Letter

Sample Letter for Catholics.  Please note:  This is only a sample to be used as a guideline for composing your own letter.  Most states require that your religious reasoning is genuinely held, sincere and of utmost importance, religious in nature.  Form letters are...