NIH ignores public protest and begins proceedings for embryonic stem cell research
U.S. to Issue New Rules for Research on Embryo Cells By Rick Weiss Washington Post Staff Writer Wednesday, August 23, 2000; Page A01 Stepping into a politically delicate issue that has pitted antiabortion activists against ailing patients, the Clinton administration...FROM THE ARCHIVES: Forsaking God for the Sake of Science
This report will take us back to one of the most heinous, shameful eras in history beginning in the early 1900’s, back to a time that few reading this article will even know existed in the United States. And incredibly, what you are about to read was considered perfectly acceptable behavior in most circles.
LEADERSHIP Children of God for Life, Inc. is growing and taking up the fight to end the use of aborted children in research. Please donateStay in Touch YVONNE BONTKOWSKI, Executive Director Yvonne Bontkowski was was born in Chicago area and raised in a devout...UPDATE 9-15-20: Take Action – Sanofi Pasteur Discontinues Aborted Fetal Polio Vaccine – Using Moral Cell Lines Instead
Children of God for Life announced the news that pharmaceutical giant Sanofi Pasteur has discontinued the production of their Poliovax vaccine that is produced using aborted fetal cell lines, MRC-5.
Want information to be in English
Dear GOD! Have mercy on this. Makes me want to vomit.