Glaxo Products

GLAXO SMITHKLINE PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS  USA PRODUCT LIST If you choose to boycott Glaxo SmithKline due to their use of aborted fetal cell lines, following is a list of their products available in both the USA and abroad. VACCINE PRODUCTS Engerix-B Hepatitis B...


Impfstoffe in Deutschland (Stand: 02/2010/alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Krankheit Impfstoff Hersteller Anm. Cholera Dukoral® Novartis Vaccines   Diphtherie Diphtherie-Adsorbat-Impfstoff Behring für Erw.® Novartis Vaccines   DiphtherieHämophilus influenzae bHepatitis...


U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Headquarters Adjudications Division Vaccine Waiver Form For further information call the Contact Center: 1-800-375-5283 VACCINATION REQUIREMENTS FOR REFUGEES AND SALLIES APPLYING FOR ADJUSTMENT OF STATUS IN THE UNITED STATES...

ACIP recommends new aborted fetal cell line vaccine – Pentacel

Children of God for Life is calling on the Medical Profession to “just say no” to the newly US licensed aborted fetal vaccine, Pentacel, made by Sanofi Pasteur. On June 26 the Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended the vaccine be added to the immunization schedule for children, despite the fact that moral alternatives have been used in the US for years.