Letter to Merck

I am writing to you regarding your recent decision to discontinue production and sales of your monovalent measles (Attenuvax) and mumps (Mumpsvax) vaccines. On behalf of over 610,000 US citizens, physicians and members of the clergy who have petitioned Merck in the Campaign for Ethical Vaccines and are deeply concerned with the use of aborted fetal cell lines in the rubella portion of your MMR II and other vaccines, I am asking you to reconsider your position.

Reprogram in German

Wird mit den Stammzellen auch die Meinung der Lebensrechtler reprogrammiert? von Debi Vinnedge Im November 2007 beschrieben Shinya Yamanaka und James Thomson in ihren Studien eine neue Stammzelltechnik. Mit dieser können durch einfache Reprogrammierung von adulten...

Military Exemption Allowed

Military Backs Down: Grants Religious Exemption May 12, 2008 (Washington, DC)  In a surprise move by military officials, Officer Joseph J. Healy received official notification on May 9th that they would reverse their previous decision denying him a religious exemption...