The Fair Labeling and Informed Consent Act (Introduced in House) HR XXXX 110th CONGRESS H. R. XXXX IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES xx (month) yy (day), 2008 Mr. xxxx introduced the following amendment to the [Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act], which was referred to...

Sample Senate Letter

Below is a sample letter you can copy and paste into your own word processing software for use in contacting your Congressmen or Senators, urging them to sponsor the Fair Labeling and Informed Consent Act. We recommend you include a copy of the pamphlet on Fair...

Terri Schiavo

Personal Note to our Readers from Debi Vinnedge, Executive Director: Children of God for Life began following the case of Terri Schiavo in early 2001 when the matter was brought to our attention at a local Clearwater meeting of the group, Professionals for Excellence...

Privacy Policy

Our Commitment to Privacy Your privacy is important to us. To better protect your privacy we provide this notice explaining our online information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used. To make this notice easy to...