Attention: Loyal readers and supporters of our work
There is a blatantly false story put out by The Nate Max Project that is going viral on social media, titled, “List of companies using fetal cells from aborted babies to flavour products”
Our very successful Pepsi Boycott drew world-wide attention back in 2011-2012 when prolife organizations and other concerned individuals joined our efforts to force PepsiCo to alter their agreement with Senomyx. This company produces artificial flavor enhancers for several foods and beverage companies and they were testing those flavors using the aborted fetal cell line HEK-293.
Many have asked, how exactly are the HEK-293 cells used? In short, Senomyx produces a certain flavor for a company and then needs to test it to ensure it is the exact flavor desired. But the human tongue has only 5 taste receptors: salty, sour, sweet, bitter and umani. Senomyx found that certain animal, plant and human cells have what is known as a G-protein that can be used to test thousands of flavors. The cell protein produces a chemical signal that will identify whether the flavor they are developing is correct. Even though they knew fully well that moral options existed, they chose to use aborted fetal cells for their test assays.
Now, despite the fact that we emphasized the HEK-293 was only used to test the products and was not actually in the flavorings, some websites put out wildly dramatic headlined stories that people were consuming dead babies! Worse, they tried to quote Children of God for Life out of context and used absolutely false information!
Because of massive confusion and a number of recent inquiries resulting from this and similar stories, we have updated our list of aborted fetal products:
in order to clarify those that were developed and then tested by Senomyx
using the aborted fetal cell line.
On this same page we also list other products such as cosmetics, vaccines and medicines that are made by other companies and DO contain aborted fetal material.
For full information on the history of our work in exposing Senomyx please see:
Thank You for setting the record straight. I too was under the impression that there were companies that were still using HEK293 in their food products. Again Thank You as I don’t want to be the bearer of false information going around.
I think this article is very confusing. Does Nestle products have human DNA? DiPloid Cells? From aborted babies or not?
No. If you read the articles you will see we emphasize that the flavors used by these companies are only tested on the aborted fetal cell lines to ensure they have achieved the proper flavor. The cell line is only a final confirmation that the flavor is correct, nothing more.
I am still confused. How does a cell line test a flavor? Doesn’t a live human have to eat it or lick it to test the flavor? It just doesn’t make sense when I read about it. Is anybody else out there as confused about why they would even have to do this? Please be more specific in how they actually test a flavor using aborted fetal cells. Maybe I’m just dense?
in other words how does a cell line do it? Does it change color???
plus after reading some comments I am even more confused. Are some companies still using this procedure? Or have they all stopped?
They created an assay using the aborted fetal cell line because it can mimic the human tongue – but with a much broader range of taste receptors than the 5 we have (sweet, salty, bitter, sour, umani). There is what is known as a G-protein in the cell line which sends a chemical signal when scientists introduce the artificial flavor to the cells. If the chemical reaction is correct, they know they have achieved the proper flavor. In over 70 patents that we researched, Senomyx mentioned several other moral cell lines that work just as well – there was absolutely no reason to use aborted fetal cells. As for the companies using Senomyx, once the flavor they wanted has been provided, there is no further research by Senomyx but the company pays royalties back to them for every product sold. List is on our website of those involved: Also, please note PepsiCo did not allow Senomyx to use the aborted fetal cells to test their flavors. They use adults who actually do a taste test.
Is your list saying that there is no moral option for the MMR vaccine?
Not in the US, Canada or Europe. Merck used to provide separate doses of measles and mumps, both of which are morally produced, but they stopped making them separately. That leaves the MMR combo and it is the rubella portion that uses aborted fetal material in both the virus and the cell line it is cultivated on. Japan has the only moral version world-wide but you cannot get it outside Japan and it is currently provided as an MR (measles + rubella) and a separate mumps vaccine. Their MMR combo is in Phase 3 clinical trials.
Ok so they are not using aborted fetal cells in the foods but only in the testing? How the heck can THAT be moral? An aborted baby should never be disrespected and used for a project like this!
I am appalled!
You are correct – it’s not moral at all – which is why we are boycotting them. See the list at
OK …If its not true they will deny it — If it is true they will deny — either way its damaging their companies — So why have they not IMMEDIATELY started Court proceeding against them
– bottom line they admit using aborted fetal cells –
In all that is Holy — that is a dead CHILD – SO YES they are using aborted children for their products
I say loud and clear BOYCOTT
The way they are producing MMR may be the reason why so many children acquire various disabilities AFTER BIRTH and AFTER GETTING VACCINATED. Besides being immoral, it is sick and criminal, in my eyes.
How is using the aborted fetal cells for testing only any better? This is still a morally bankrupt choice and these companies should still be boycotted.
Where did you get the idea that the companies should not be boycotted or that using the aborted fetal cell lines for testing was okay? The point of the article is that people mistakenly think there are aborted fetal cells IN the food products, which is not true at all. If you read other comments below you will see that we stated it is not moral and our boycott continues.
CoG for Life on July 4, 2018 at 8:13 am
“You are correct – it’s not moral at all – which is why we are boycotting them. See the list at “
I have an question based on this because i am confused
Allright my question is does Nestle products use aborted cells and should we boycoot product like pepsi so on?
Another thing is it false claim about coca cola fetus using and mc donalds i want to be shure to not go into slander hope you will help me thank you
I want to also ask is it okay to support Nestle for example nesquik choco crispy and choco cookies been eating that since child that s why i ask you what do you think should we boycoot that to or its okay to continue eat what do you recommend? Do you eat nestle products?
Is there an updated list of companies to reference?
Vanessa, it is actually more difficult to research food and beverage products than pharmaceuticals. Flavor enhancers, for example, are used in such small concentrations that they escape all specificity in labeling laws and regulations. They are generally listed under ‘Artificial and natural flavorings’. Issues related to SarsCoV-2 – vaccines, exemptions, mandates, etc. – have absorbed almost all our time and what little remains is dedicated to other areas of aborted fetal tissue research.
I don’t believe them….I checked the list of products now and I think they’re paid off !
Who exactly do you think is being paid off?
I think what these companies have done is demonic. I do not understand why they would think that this is OK with Christians. In my opinion, this has stained their reputation. I’m not quite clear on your boycott. Do you mean that you boycott just certain products or do you boycott everything the company produces?
Thank you!
The pdf provided, listing companies using fetal cells for testing flavor enhancers, was last updated in 2014. Is there a more current updated list? Just curious if any of those companies have ceased using this practice or association with doing flavor testing on fetal cells from aborted babies.
The company at the center of this, Senomyx, was acquired by Firmenich, a privately-held European corporation in 2017. Firmenich was undoubtedly influenced by the uproar and boycott that affected PepsiCo, Kraft Foods and Campbell’s Soup – they have not disclosed their customers and partnership relationships with respect to the flavor enhancement products. It is very difficult and time-consuming to even attempt to update this list of companies because the flavor enhancement ingredients are used in such small quantities that they escape content and ingredients labeling laws and regulations. We do not try to research these relationships because the time invested is often for naught. About the only way is to approach the manufacturers and ask them a very well-formulated question in the hope that they will answer truthfully.
Thank you, Debbie, for clearing things up! Not sure if you’re aware – but there is a covid vaccine being worked on by John Paul II Medical Research Institute totally unconnected with abortion. If people want to donate – they can. You can also buy a sweater from them to help raise funds;
In 1996 , my children were vaccinated with the Japanese moral vaccine I live in the UK and a Prolife Dr ordered a batch for a few families who wanted to use it instead of the MMR and he administered the vaccines for his children and ours .
Thank you for the very important work you’re doing. And, also, thank you for trying to explain the quite complicated process in a simple layman’s terms. My prayers are with you.
I agree with this question and I also ask, explain why your company would even go as far as to test human fetal cells if the motion wasn’t considered in the testing! This would continue to raise much concern as we all are aware of the cost to do research and the financial loss any company would take to conduct this research, then to not benefit fir the fundings. Further I ask, and explain how this research was not considered and then discarded… or was it?
Better then that… i do hold a copy of the FDA DOCUMENTS that states to what can be legally used in foods and what can not. So we know the permission and request do exist! Additionally, the representative that addressed these comments by critiquing and countering the first question, then to imply that the added question not be relevant, is absurds and in that idea alone, should be considered a company to avoid doing any further business with!
How do you KNOW what products are or are not in anuly of these products? Do you have a lab as knowledgeable scientist testing any of these? Or did you read paper given to you from sad companies and decided it is factual? Or did you do both…. How do you KNOW with such bsolute certainty?
No fetal cells in food you say. On January 26, 2012 — Oklahoma state Sen. Ralph Shortey (R) last week introduced a bill (SB 1418) that would ban “the manufacture or sale of food or products [that] use aborted human fetuses,” NPR’s “The Two-Way” reports.
There is no evidence anywhere that aborted fetal cells are used directly in food or beverage products. The bill introduced intends to prevent the use of additives developed with aborted fetal cell lines. If you have information to the contrary, please cite the source and we will publicize it immediately.
Legislators are not subject matter experts in these areas, and they need our help. Consider the fact that most legislators think ‘assault weapons’ are a thing.
2012 Senate Bill 1418 An act prohibiting the consumption of human fetuses
By Truth is Light 888 August 02, 2012
2nd Session of the 53rd Legislature (2012)
An Act relating to food; prohibiting the manufacture or sale of food or products which use aborted human fetuses; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.
SECTION 1. NEW LAW A new section of law to be codified in the Oklahoma Statutes as Section 1-1150 of Title 63, unless there is created a duplication in numbering, reads as follows:
No person or entity shall manufacture or knowingly sell food or any other product intended for human consumption which contains aborted human fetuses in the ingredients or which used aborted human fetuses in the research or development of any of the ingredients.
SECTION 2. This act shall become effective November 1, 2012.
53-2-3065 JM 1/19/2012 12:43:02 PM
I don’t question that legislation has been introduced. I do, however, stand by what I wrote. There is no evidence that aborted fetal cells are used directly in food or beverage products. The key to the legislation’s effectiveness is “… or which used aborted human fetuses in the research or development of any of the ingredients.”
By the way, this bill went nowhere beyond the first reading. It was never assigned to committee and never made it to the floor for debate. And to add a little color to the history of the bill, Senator Ralph Shortey was the author and sponsor of the bill in 2012. He resigned in 2017 after being charged with three counts of felonious child sex trafficking. He is currently serving 15 years plus 10 in federal prison, following his conviction.
I get the sense that people associate the introduction of this bill with two things: 1) the bill constitutes proof that aborted fetal tissue has actually been used as a direct ingredient in food and/or beverage products, and 2) that the bill actually became law. Neither is true.
Can you tell us the current status of fetal cell usage in monoclonal antibodies for Covid treatment. Initially they reported in Lifesite news that “To test the antibodies, Regeneron used “immortalized epithelial cells” originally derived from the kidney of an unborn baby girl likely aborted at around 12 weeks in the Netherlands”. Are there other monoclonal antibodies that were not ?
Are the new monkeypox vaccines the US ordered from Germany using or tested on fetal cells?
Lisa, we’ve looked into a number of monoclonal antibodies and the results are summarized in this post.
Don’t fall for this one. Monkeypox will not pose a health problem to the general population. And the vaccine being used is the smallpox vaccine.
This person is lying about this story. Snopes is not to be trusted either. When you see NATURAL FLAVORING in the products you are buying, then it’s in there.
This is not correct. ‘Natural Flavorings’ are derived from natural food products like vegetables, fruits, spices, dairy and animal protein products. Citric acid, vanilla extract, cinnamon oil, fennel oil and cumin are examples of natural flavorings. The legal definition applied by the FDA is as follows:
“3) The term natural flavor or natural flavoring means the essential oil, oleoresin, essence or extractive, protein hydrolysate, distillate, or any product of roasting, heating or enzymolysis, which contains the flavoring constituents derived from a spice, fruit or fruit juice, vegetable or vegetable juice, edible yeast, herb, bark, bud, root, leaf or similar plant material, meat, seafood, poultry, eggs, dairy products, or fermentation products thereof, whose significant function in food is flavoring rather than nutritional. Natural flavors, include the natural essence or extractives obtained from plants listed in subpart A of part 582 of this chapter, and the substances listed in § 172.510 of this chapter.”
Information in the Senomyx patent documents make it clear that their flavor enhancers would not be considered ‘natural flavorings’, rather, they would come under the definition of artificial flavorings. In any event, assuming a product contains Senomyx flavor enhancers simply because the label says ‘and other natural or artificial flavors’ would be a bad assumption.
We don’t get very far if we level accusations that are provably false and, therefore, easily dismissed.
Anything that includes Hek239 flavor enhancer,which is not required to be listed other than” artificial flavor” is made from human fetal cells period. Why would they research flavorings eith human fetal cells to begin? 60 million fetus are aborted every year. We are to believe a company willing to experiment with such techniques would not go utilizing the fetal cells themselves? Scientific jargon aside. Senomyx is guilty by their own admission. This is just the tip of the iceberg of what has truly been going on with the food supply. When You Know You Know. Boycott Senomyx and their partners can clear a independent investigation into their connections research and products.
Ginger, your assertion is incorrect. These enhancers are not made with, nor do they contain, fetal material of any kind. The testing is separate from the manufacturing process – this is detailed in the patent filings. This distinction does not excuse the use of aborted fetal cell lines in pre-production testing in any way. It remains a gross exploitation of the killed unborn and an insult to God.
This distinction may seem unimportant; however, the pro-life community isn’t doing itself any favors by claiming things that are inaccurate. Unless something can be documented or otherwise proven true, it should not be presented as true.
The way I boycott this companies is that I dont buy anything from them, but I dont ask people from whom I buy food, for example, restaurtants, or people who cook for me if they use this products in their food nor try to investigate which restaurants actually use Maggi’s or Nestle’s products. If they bought, for example, Maggi’s seasoning and use it, I would tolerate it without desiring nor approving the purchase of that brand because: first) its already purchased, so the opportunity for boycott already dissapeared, second) the seasoning, for example, contains no cells of the babies aborted, so is not baby consumption nor cannibalism; and third) because moral the distance between the experimentation they made with the cells and my action of eating something cooked with this seasoning (knowing that I dont directly buy the seasoning myself), for example, is big enough that the moral connection is not significant and can be tolerated or even considered neutral.
It makes sense to me, do you guys think this moral reasoning is correct?
Another question, when it comes to this products list, does it apply to the same companies in other countries or has this contract with Senomyx only been made by the franchises as they opperate in the USA?