by Debi Vinnedge | Jun 29, 2001 | Archive, News, Stem Cell Research
From The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity Using Stem Cells from Embryos Will Make Human Flesh Profitable Daniel McConchie Unless there is a scientific discovery that removes the perceived need for embryonic stem cells, the debate over their use in research is...
by Debi Vinnedge | Feb 19, 2001 | News, Stem Cell Research
Umbilical Cords Could Repair Brains By DANIEL Q. HANEY The Associated Press February 19, 20001 SAN FRANCISCO (AP) – Cells taken from umbilical cords after birth may offer a vast source of material – free of the ethical concerns of fetal tissue –...
by Debi Vinnedge | Feb 9, 2001 | News, Stem Cell Research
Human Embryo Research: Where We’ve Been, Where We Should Go By Richard M. Doerflinger Washington, DC — President George W. Bush spent an impressive first weekday in office. On January 22, Mr. Bush issued a statement of support to March for Life attendees...
by Debi Vinnedge | May 1, 2000 | Archive, Fetal & Vaccine Research, News
The following article gives an insight into how many of the vaccines we use today are setting a precedent for furthering the pro-abortion cause. There is currently work underway to challenge the pharmaceutical companies to produce safe, “untainted”...
by Debi Vinnedge | Apr 1, 2000 | News, Stem Cell Research
Fetal Tissue Research Raises Disturbing Questions By Paul Ranalli (Dr. Paul Ranalli is a pro-life neurologist in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto.) Spring is the season of renewal—from the Christian belief in the resurrection of Christ to the more...
Want information to be in English
Dear GOD! Have mercy on this. Makes me want to vomit.