Merck Mired in Mayhem

It was shocking when I saw it; I knew it couldn’t possibly be true, and I prayed it was a New Year’s Eve joke! But indeed, it was factually correct and my heart sank. What in the world could be done? Well, here is the story and an invitation to you to get active and do something now.

Letter to Merck

I am writing to you regarding your recent decision to discontinue production and sales of your monovalent measles (Attenuvax) and mumps (Mumpsvax) vaccines. On behalf of over 610,000 US citizens, physicians and members of the clergy who have petitioned Merck in the Campaign for Ethical Vaccines and are deeply concerned with the use of aborted fetal cell lines in the rubella portion of your MMR II and other vaccines, I am asking you to reconsider your position.

ACIP recommends new aborted fetal cell line vaccine – Pentacel

Children of God for Life is calling on the Medical Profession to “just say no” to the newly US licensed aborted fetal vaccine, Pentacel, made by Sanofi Pasteur. On June 26 the Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended the vaccine be added to the immunization schedule for children, despite the fact that moral alternatives have been used in the US for years.

Death toll on Gardasil…

Deaths Associated with HPV Vaccine Start Rolling In, Over 3500 Adverse Affects Reported By John-Henry Westen TORONTO, September 20, 2007 ( – As Canada, in large part due to aggressive behind the scenes lobbying, rolls out the...

Merck and the Feds…follow the money

Mandatory Childhood Vaccine Legislation Ignores The Contaminated Culture That Created It By Pam Martens A national furor has erupted over another executive order. This time, it’s not the President of the United States bypassing the legislative branch of government to...