FDA Doctors for Life

English version:   Protest against the use of tissue and cells from directly aborted fetuses or destroyed embryos in the production of viral vaccines and other medicines   Dear Sir/Madam:   The German Pro-life-organization “Doctors for Life” (“Aerzte...

Vaccine Questions

Vaccines From Abortion – Understanding the Facts Since the Pontifical Academy for Life (PAFL) issued their dissertation in June 2005, Moral Reflections On Vaccines Prepared From Cells Derived From Aborted Human Foetuses, there have been a number of questions raised on...

Sen. Sam Brownback Statement

March 31, 2005 BROWNBACK STATEMENT ON THE VALUE OF HUMAN LIFE  The loss of Terry Schiavo heightens debate on the nature of the individual  WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Sam Brownback released the following statement following the death of Terry Schiavo, who died in...

Judge Orders Cold Blooded Murder

JUDGE ORDERS COLD BLOODED MURDER By Deacon Robert F. Ellis http://www.schiavoprayercampaign.org/ Pinellas-Pasco Circuit Judge George Greer declined to grant Terri Schiavo’s parents an emergency stay that would have barred removal of the feeding tube which...