by Debi Vinnedge | Oct 14, 2009 | Archive, Fetal & Vaccine Research, Gardasil, News
Merck Researcher Admits: Gardasil Guards Against Almost Nothing
by Debi Vinnedge | Jan 25, 2009 | Archive, News, Stem Cell Research
Reprogramming Stem Cells – Or Pro-Lifers’ Minds? By Debi Vinnedge In November 2007, two scientists Dr. Shinya Yamanaka and Dr James Thomson published their studies describing a new stem cell technique that produced embryonic-like stem cells by simply...
by Debi Vinnedge | Dec 30, 2008 | Archive, Fetal & Vaccine Research, News
I am enclosing a copy of the letter sent to Richard Clark, CEO of Merck regarding their recent decision to halt sales and production of their monovalent measles and mumps vaccines. I realize that it is not your duty to decide how vaccines are produced, but in order to achieve the goals you have set for eliminating diseases, you should be deeply concerned that a large portion of the population will not use vaccines such as the MMR that are produced with aborted fetal cell lines.
by Debi Vinnedge | Nov 8, 2007 | Archive, News
Note: The aborted fetal cell line PER C6 which was used in the Merck AIDS vaccine is modified by Crucell NV with the troubling AD 5 vector. PER C6 AD5 has been known to cause cancerous tumors in nude mice – and apparently, increased the risk of contracting...
by Debi Vinnedge | Oct 9, 2007 | Archive, News, Vaccines
Published by the Washington Post A Shot of Urgency In Md.’s Vaccine Debate By Sandra G. Boodman Washington Post Staff Writer Tuesday, January 9, 2007; Page HE01 When...
Want information to be in English
Dear GOD! Have mercy on this. Makes me want to vomit.