Welcome Note

A Personal Note To Our Readers From Executive Director Debi Vinnedge I want to tell each and every one of you who reads this that you, as an individual can make a difference. A big difference! I know I didn’t feel that way when I began this work. I wondered what one...

Vaccines & Abortions

Aborted Fetal Cell Line Vaccines And The Catholic Family A Moral and Historical Perspective Original Appeal Filed With The National Catholic Bioethics Center And The US Conference of Catholic Bishops Issued September 2003 (Updated October 2005) Update added -2019...

Join the Campaign!

Stop Aborted Fetal Cell Lines in Medical Products For over 30 years, the pharmaceutical industry has been producing medical products using cell lines derived from aborted babies. These products are used to treat: Rheumatoid Arthritis, Cystic Fibrosis, Ebola/Marsburg...

Sample Senate Letter

Below is a sample letter you can copy and paste into your own word processing software for use in contacting your Congressmen or Senators, urging them to sponsor the Fair Labeling and Informed Consent Act. We recommend you include a copy of the pamphlet on Fair...