NIH opens public comment on embryonic stem cell research guidelines
PLEASE NOTE: THE DEADLINE FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS SUBMISSION HAS ENDED. All letters received will be entered into the Federal Register and open for public review in the coming weeks. (Original Action Alert Issued May 1, 2009) URGENT – URGENT – URGENT!...Obama to rescind physician conscience protection
Please take the time to respond to this most important ruling proposed by the Obama Administration that will overturn the right of conscience ruling put into place by President Bush in December 2008 that protected medical professionals who oppose abortion! The Bush ruling had ensured that no one in the medical profession could be forced to act against their moral conscience or religious beliefs. The Department of HHS is inviting public comment with a response deadline of April 9th.
Merck Mired in Mayhem
It was shocking when I saw it; I knew it couldn’t possibly be true, and I prayed it was a New Year’s Eve joke! But indeed, it was factually correct and my heart sank. What in the world could be done? Well, here is the story and an invitation to you to get active and do something now.
Holy See Sets Bioethics Standards for Research and Aborted Fetal Vaccines
In a statement written on September 8th and released December 12th, 2008, the Holy See clarified a number of issues in biomedical research and their application to family life that have been hotbeds of contention for decades.
Thank you for the reliable information that was always helpful in decision making. May God bless you and your family,…
Truth no matter how difficult must be told .
Thank you for stepping up to the position. My husband and I are grateful for the information and guidance this…
Thank you and God bless you all!!
Thank you for All you have done with this amazing organization, which is so needed. You have helped many…best wishes…
Thank you so much for your service! You've changed lives and helped many.
Best wishes and prayers for you all.
Thanks you so much for all that you have done. God’a blessings for the future!
Thank you so so much for your faithful commitment to Truth in this most important time, for a cause dear…
I can't thank you enough for all you have done for the community at large. And it is a delight…
Thank you for your guidance. You've been a shining light on ethical, medical info and my decisions.
I for one, that may speak for many, thank you for being there for exactly when I needed concrete written…
Thank you, Annette! You're too kind!
Thank you for all the valuable information which gave directions to my decisions during the critical years of Covid.…
What a blessing you both are to the world! Thank you for always being there for questions. Your servant’s heart…