Reprogrammed stem cells are no pro-life panacea

For Immediate Release:  Sept 10, 2012 (Clearwater, FL) Children of God for Life is reporting that recent news stories touting the success of turning adult blood into embryonic-like stem cells is once again, off the mark as far as being research done in a fully moral...

FDA Alert

FDA OPENS INDUSTRY GUIDELINES FOR PUBLIC COMMENT Docket Number 2006D-0383 – NOW CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC On September 28th, the FDA quietly issued new guidelines for the pharmaceutical industry regarding the use of various types of cell lines that are being used...


Unbekannte Fakten: Impfstoffe und Abtreibung Während die Forschung mit embryonalen Stammzellen in Deutschland zur Zeit noch ein Thema in der öffentlichen Diskussion ist, bleibt der ethisch bedenkliche Hintergrund von Arzneimitteln, für deren Produktion fetale...

Are Vaccines Morally Acceptable

Are Vaccines Manufactured on Aborted Fetal Cell Lines Morally Acceptable? Note:  The following opinions do not necessarily reflect the position of Children of God for Life one way or another.  They are offered for our readers as a means of educating oneself on the...