Abortion Quitters

The Human Life Foundation, Inc. The Ex-abortionists: Why They Quit As a young doctor in the early 1970s, Paul E. Jarrett, Jr., did a number of legal abortions. He began having doubts, though, after the urea-induced abortion of a mental patient. The child, weighing two...

Military Exemption Allowed

Military Backs Down: Grants Religious Exemption May 12, 2008 (Washington, DC)  In a surprise move by military officials, Officer Joseph J. Healy received official notification on May 9th that they would reverse their previous decision denying him a religious exemption...

Dr. Ragazzi Weighs in on Covid-19 Vaccines

A COVID-19 Vaccine Developed on Aborted Babies’ Cells? by Maurizio Ragazzi, DPhil We are anxious to see a COVID-19 vaccine materialize in the shortest possible time. At least some of us, however, are even more anxious at the prospect that the only vaccine that may...