Information on Recombinant DNA drugs

Enbrel: The WI-26 aborted fetal cell line is not something you will find in the package insert since its incorporated in the recombinant DNA. All the package insert states is “recombinant DNA grown on chinese hamster ovary”. There is a lot of documentation...

Moral Shingles Vaccine FDA Approved

Morally produced shingles vaccine approved in both US and Canada (Largo, FL)  Children of God for Life announced today that the long-awaited, morally produced shingles vaccine has received FDA approval for licensing in the US.  Shingrix, made by Glaxo SmithKline (GSK)...

Conscientious objection to vaccinations By Phil Lawler (bio – articles – email) | Jan 30, 2015 Following an outbreak of measles that was traced back to Disneyland, public-health authorities are ramping up their campaign to persuade all...