Catholic Living Will

Catholic Advance Directive   Page 1 This Declaration of Life and Death, made while I am of sound mind, is intended to convey my desires and directions regarding treatment or care for me in the event I become irreversibly and terminally ill or incapable of expressing...

Continued Denial of Civil Rights

Date:    October 27, 2003 To:       Attorney General John Ashcroft Delegate Bob Marshall Ref:      Continuation for Request of Intervention on behalf of Terri Schiavo (October 21st) As in previous letters dated October 21st, 22nd and 23rd, this letter serves as our...


Catholic Church Teaching is Constant and Unchanging – The Teaching from Florida is Not! (Confusing the Terri Schiavo case)     Somewhere along the line, perhaps due to slanted and erroneous media reporting, someone got the idea that Terri Schiavo was a...