
Use of Human Cell Lines in Pharmaceuticals – Canada Various commercially available pharmaceutical products are derived from or cultivated on fetal cells lines that were obtained from abortions. Patients may have a biological, ethical or religious objection to...

CDC Info

In a recent letter from one of our supporters, the Center for Disease Control responded to the person’s concerns about the use of aborted fetal tissue in vaccines with erroneous information.  Children of God for Life was quick to respond:  Following are the CDC...

Voice Your Complaints

Let The Pharmaceutical Companies Know How You Feel! The following companies plan to use the new aborted fetal cell line PER C6 to develop important new vaccines.  They believe the public accepts such practices since there are existing vaccines using aborted fetal cell...

Sample Letter

Sample Letter for Catholics.  Please note:  This is only a sample to be used as a guideline for composing your own letter.  Most states require that your religious reasoning is genuinely held, sincere and of utmost importance, religious in nature.  Form letters are...

Join the Campaign!

Stop Aborted Fetal Cell Lines in Medical Products For over 30 years, the pharmaceutical industry has been producing medical products using cell lines derived from aborted babies. These products are used to treat: Rheumatoid Arthritis, Cystic Fibrosis, Ebola/Marsburg...