Campaign Supporters

Campaign For Ethical Research and Manufacturing We demand an end to the use of aborted children in scientific research.  Over 650,000 Joined Some Of Our Supporters  (In Alphabetical Order) Action Life League of Western Kentucky   Alaska Interior Right to Life,...

Order a Free Brochure

Order Our Free Brochures – To Educate Yourself or Others As a non-profit 501-C corporation, Children of God for Life never charges for any of the materials we distribute.  If you wish to make a tax deductible donation, you may do so online or call us Phone 727...

Pro-Life Physician List

Pro-Life Physician and Pharmacists Database Updated August 2020 Following is a list of doctors and pharmacies willing to provide medicines that are not produced using aborted children. If you encounter problems please let us know so we can correct errors in our...


The Campaign For Ethical Vaccines Demands An End to Aborted Fetal Cell Lines In Our Medical Products Over 637,000 have joined in the USA alone! A Sampling Of Some Of Our Supporters (In Alphabetical Order) Last Updated: February 01, 2012 Action Life League of Western...