Is the abortion/bio-tech industry implicated in the astounding rise in autism?
Back in November, the Wall Street Journal featured a prominent article with the following headline: “The Hidden Toll of Traffic Jams; Scientists Increasingly Link Vehicle Exhaust With Brain-Cell Damage, Higher Rates of Autism”. It was careful to point out that current...Merck Mired in Mayhem
It was shocking when I saw it; I knew it couldn’t possibly be true, and I prayed it was a New Year’s Eve joke! But indeed, it was factually correct and my heart sank. What in the world could be done? Well, here is the story and an invitation to you to get active and do something now.
Letter to the CDC
I am enclosing a copy of the letter sent to Richard Clark, CEO of Merck regarding their recent decision to halt sales and production of their monovalent measles and mumps vaccines. I realize that it is not your duty to decide how vaccines are produced, but in order to achieve the goals you have set for eliminating diseases, you should be deeply concerned that a large portion of the population will not use vaccines such as the MMR that are produced with aborted fetal cell lines.
Letter to Merck
I am writing to you regarding your recent decision to discontinue production and sales of your monovalent measles (Attenuvax) and mumps (Mumpsvax) vaccines. On behalf of over 610,000 US citizens, physicians and members of the clergy who have petitioned Merck in the Campaign for Ethical Vaccines and are deeply concerned with the use of aborted fetal cell lines in the rubella portion of your MMR II and other vaccines, I am asking you to reconsider your position.
Want information to be in English
Dear GOD! Have mercy on this. Makes me want to vomit.