PepsiCo Boycott just got easier!

The PepsiCo Boycott – Brief Background PepsiCo has signed agreements with biotechnology company, Senomyx, to develop artificial flavor enhancers for their beverages.  Under the agreement, PepsiCo will pay for the research and development, plus royalties to...

Senomyx Alert

Children of God for Life is calling on the public to boycott products of major food companies that are partnering with Senomyx, a biotech company that produces artificial flavor enhancers, unless the company stops using aborted fetal cell lines to test their products.

Religious Conscience & Aborted Fetal Vaccines

Religious Conscience and Aborted Fetal Vaccines A Catholic Prerogative By Debi Vinnedge Background In June 2005 the Pontifical Academy for Life (PAFL) issued a statement regarding the morality of using aborted fetal vaccines. Since that time some have challenged a...