US scientists reprogram cells to produce mice from 2 male parents
It’s been something of a holy grail amongst reproductive scientists for some time; the breeding of animals with same sex parents. However, reports today by U.S researchers of the successful breeding of mice from two fathers have been met with caution by Australian scientists and legal experts. “Whilst the findings in this paper are intriguing, whether such an approach could ever be applied to human reproduction is highly unlikely,” said Dr Megan Munsie, Senior Manager, Research and Government, Australian Stem Cell Centre.
Your Comments on Neocutis
Kim Alberta Canada June 29, 2010 07:02 PM This is absolutely disgusting. Taking cells from murdered human beings, and to think of all of the people who are using this crap on themselves without even knowing! Disgusting, I do not know how people can sleep at night...Neocutis Deceptive in Public Response
In response to Children of God for Life’s press release October 27, 2009, Aborted fetal material used in anti-wrinkle cream, (Seecogforlife.org/neocutis.htm ) thousands of angry consumers have begun taking action. Many have called or written to Neocutis to complain and unfortunately, they are receiving jaded, if not patently false responses from the company President, Mark Lemcko.
Merck Researcher Admits
Merck Researcher Admits: Gardasil Guards Against Almost Nothing
Want information to be in English
Dear GOD! Have mercy on this. Makes me want to vomit.