Abortion Quitters

The Human Life Foundation, Inc. The Ex-abortionists: Why They Quit As a young doctor in the early 1970s, Paul E. Jarrett, Jr., did a number of legal abortions. He began having doubts, though, after the urea-induced abortion of a mental patient. The child, weighing two...

Glaxo Products

GLAXO SMITHKLINE PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS  USA PRODUCT LIST If you choose to boycott Glaxo SmithKline due to their use of aborted fetal cell lines, following is a list of their products available in both the USA and abroad. VACCINE PRODUCTS Engerix-B Hepatitis B...


Unbekannte Fakten: Impfstoffe und Abtreibung Während die Forschung mit embryonalen Stammzellen in Deutschland zur Zeit noch ein Thema in der öffentlichen Diskussion ist, bleibt der ethisch bedenkliche Hintergrund von Arzneimitteln, für deren Produktion fetale...

Vacunas Biotecnologia

VACUNAS, BIOTECNOLOGÍA Y SU RELACIÓN CON EL ABORTO PROVOCADO.  VACCINES, BIOTECHNOLOGY AND THEIR CONNECTION WITH INDUCED ABORTION.                                                              José Luis Redondo Calderón, Spain E mail: redondojoseluis@telefonica.net...