by Debi Vinnedge | Oct 1, 2005 | News, Vaccines
Aborted Fetal Cell Line Vaccines And The Catholic Family A Moral and Historical Perspective Original Appeal Filed With The National Catholic Bioethics Center And The US Conference of Catholic Bishops Issued September 2003 (Updated October 2005) Endorsements and...
by Debi Vinnedge | Aug 18, 2005 | News, Vaccines, Vatican Response
National Catholic Register Volume 81 No. 33 Vatican News Aug. 21-27, 2005 Vatican Issues Guidelines on Use of Abortion-Derived Vaccines By REGISTER STAFF VATICAN CITY – The question of the morality of using vaccines derived from tissues...
by Debi Vinnedge | Jul 3, 2005 | News, Vaccines, Vatican Response
Vaccines From Abortion – Understanding the Facts Since the Pontifical Academy for Life (PAFL) issued their dissertation in June 2005, Moral Reflections On Vaccines Prepared From Cells Derived From Aborted Human Foetuses, there have been a number of questions raised on...
by Debi Vinnedge | Feb 28, 2005 | News, Terri Schiavo
JUDGE ORDERS COLD BLOODED MURDER By Deacon Robert F. Ellis Pinellas-Pasco Circuit Judge George Greer declined to grant Terri Schiavo’s parents an emergency stay that would have barred removal of the feeding tube which...
by Debi Vinnedge | Jul 29, 2004 | Archive, News, Stem Cell Research Ron Reagan’s speech to Democrats on stem cell research deceptive, dangerous, ethicists say Jul 28, 2004 By Tom Strode WASHINGTON (BP)–Ron Reagan’s call at the Democratic National Convention for Americans to vote...
Science and medicine proclaim to want to save lives with sick innovation and research like we just read about but…
Want information to be in English
Dear GOD! Have mercy on this. Makes me want to vomit.