by Debi Vinnedge | Jun 3, 2012
The Human Life Foundation, Inc. The Ex-abortionists: Why They Quit As a young doctor in the early 1970s, Paul E. Jarrett, Jr., did a number of legal abortions. He began having doubts, though, after the urea-induced abortion of a mental patient. The child, weighing two...
by Debi Vinnedge | Mar 28, 2009 | Archive, News, Stem Cell Research March 20, 2009 The First GM (Genetically Modified) Human Embryo Could Dramatically Alter the Future “The advance of genetic engineering makes it quite conceivable that we will begin to design our own...
by Debi Vinnedge | Aug 10, 2007 | Archive, News
Please Note: The Video Link: KXAN news, Austin Texas is no longer active. To view their slide show on Garrett: Family fights Catholic diocese over vaccine requirement Officials say they’re...
Want information to be in English
Dear GOD! Have mercy on this. Makes me want to vomit.