Dr. Ragazzi Weighs in on Covid-19 Vaccines

A COVID-19 Vaccine Developed on Aborted Babies’ Cells? by Maurizio Ragazzi, DPhil We are anxious to see a COVID-19 vaccine materialize in the shortest possible time. At least some of us, however, are even more anxious at the prospect that the only vaccine that may...

Vatican Response German

Päpstliche Akademie für das Leben: Moralische Überlegungen zu Impfstoffen, für deren Produktion Zellen von abgetriebenen Föten verwendet werden Das zur Diskussion stehende Thema umfasst die Zulässigkeit der Herstellung, des Vertriebs und der Anwendung von bestimmten...


Use of Human Cell Lines in Pharmaceuticals – Canada Various commercially available pharmaceutical products are derived from or cultivated on fetal cells lines that were obtained from abortions. Patients may have a biological, ethical or religious objection to...