Many of us have been waiting for months for an ethically-derived and manufactured COVID-19 vaccine. We have closely followed the news, hoping for information on clinical trials results and updated estimates on when that day might come.
In that time, we’ve seen a number of vaccine candidates drop off the list of the morally uncompromised. Sanofi Pasteur/GSK, Medicago and Novavax are notable examples of what we hoped would be moral options authorized for use by the FDA. There are two remaining in trials that have a chance of near-term authorization.
Or do they? It is with some regret that I’m sharing my views on this. We have been following the developments as closely as possible and I believe it is time to articulate the possibility that an ethical option may not be available for years. Both vaccines in trials are not expected to apply for authorization until mid-to-late 4th quarter of this year. The FDA has signaled that one or more of the currently authorized vaccines are likely to receive full approval within the next month or two. When that happens, all of the vaccine candidates in clinical trials will find themselves on an approval track vs. an authorization track. Experience tells us that this will take years, not months.
It would be unreasonable to expect any sort of dispensation, either. The Federal government has a great many eggs in the Pfizer/Moderna/Johnson & Johnson basket and it would not be a surprise if they choose to protect that basket.
Where does this leave us? It leaves us without much of a shot, pardon the pun, at an ethical vaccine any time soon. It may be years.
The choice may soon come down to being pushed or pushing back.
Don’t worry , vaccinations against are not necessary, not effective and probably dangerous. There are good possibilities for Treatment.
I will ALWAYS push back.
Very sad….
Down here in Australia I think there is something that is being developed in South Australia that may be OK. But impossible to tell.
Vaccinations are work of the devil. I will always trust my God given immune system.
But will we be allowed to say ‘no’ ?
It is your prerogative to say ‘No’. If you won’t say ‘No’, you invite tyranny. And not just in health care.
We don’t need vaccines.
Stop lying. They are necessary, effective, and not dangerous.
Tell that to all the people who have fought polio recently.
Oh wait – no one has caught polio recently. Because of vaccines.
I am always amazed at the ignorance of history of so many anti-vaxxers. We used to live in a world where tuberculosis, smallpox and polio, to name a few, were commonplace and devastating. Where was the God-given immune system then? Why are vaccines singled out as the “work of the devil” when the rest of medicine is not? And what gives me the right to risk the health of myself and others, strangers or family, by refusing a vaccine? Isn’t there a moral dimension to selfish recklessness?
JoAnna, there are legitimate and perfectly reasonable questions associated with the safety and effectiveness of these vaccines and people have the right to ask these questions and expect to have them taken seriously.
The public dialogue on this general topic has degenerated into Feeding Time on Monkey Island because we have been manipulated into thinking that the ‘other side’ isn’t worthy of engagement. Calling someone a liar is not an effective debating technique, and it is not polite. Name calling and shaming are not part of the rhetorical arts. You are free to express your views in this forum and share any data in support of your position, but name-calling and shaming will not be tolerated. The link to the blog post is a decent start – it’s an opinion piece, but it’s a start.
I could have chosen to delete your post (check the Leadership page if you’re wondering who is responding to you) but I thought this a good opportunity to reinforce the fact that our mission is rooted in the broad Christian ethic and that compels all of us to behave accordingly.
We welcome constructive and honorable debate. The Golden Rule is an organizing principle on this site.
Lastly, I’d like to share a fact. The authorized vaccines are experimental. Referring to them as ‘safe and effective’ is actually a violation of the law (U.S. Code Title 21, Chapter 9, Subchapter V, Part E, sec. 360bbb). Any coercive act associated with an experimental drug is a violation of this code, and that includes representing them as ‘safe and effective’.
Vernon, please see my reply to JoAnna, above. Do not mock or marginalize peoples’ religious beliefs and views. That will not be tolerated. Make your point with logic and data while being respectful of others.
Joanna and Vernon please familiarize yourself with the book Dissolving Illusions. I am a registered nurse and this among many sources was eye opening. People who you call anti-vaxxers are typically people who have been hurt or their family members have been hurt by vaccines. I have found the people who have never received vaccines to often be quite quiet on the subject- while people that received many and finally were harmed are often the most vocal. I have found few people who stand firm in their hate of so called “anti-vaxxers” open time reading original source material instead of just disparaging the character of the author. Small pox was a complete failure in regards to vaccination and areas with higher vaccination rates had higher disease rates. It truly is worth the time to try to understand why people are concerned- I wish I did before my son developed and encephalitis like reaction to infanrix hexa. When we removed liability from manufacturers the vaccine industry exploded. It’s not science, it’s business.
1. The polio vaccine wasn’t made from dead babies. COVID-19 vaccines are.
2. Polio incubates only in the human body and is transmitted from human-to-human, so eradicating polio in humans eradicates it everywhere. COVID-19 can survive in many organisms and is transmitted from animals to humans, so all the vaccines in the world will not stop transmission of COVID-19.
3. Polio is much more fatal than COVID-19, so the cost/benefit ratio is very different. Even small side-effects of the COVID-19 vaccine would make the vaccine unreasonably dangerous.
4. COVID-19 vaccines are not necessary. People get COVID-19 and get well. Then they have better immunity than vaccines. I myself (age 59) have had it and got over it. Not every one does, but the huge, overwhelming majority of people get well. Given that we now know of reasonably effective treatment, there really is no necessity for the COVID-19 vaccine.
Loye W. Young, OP, JD
Mr. Young, I encourage you to read the history of the development of the polio vaccine. The doctors and scientists were looking for the virus. In so doing, hundreds of aborted babies were butchered and a variety of tissue harvesting methods were ‘pioneered’. You may want to read the following:
Thomas H. Weller, John F. Enders, Frederick C. Robbins and Marguerite B. Stoddard; Studies on the Cultivation of Poliomyelitis Viruses in Tissue Culture : I. The Propagation of Poliomyelitis Viruses in Suspended Cell Cultures of Various Human Tissue; Journal of Immunology 1952;69;645-671
There is an ethical vaccine available in India. It is called Covaxin (codenamed as BBV152). It has no human cells lines in it. It was designed, produced and tested using vero cells. I believe a company in the US is trying to get it marketed.
The biologics code for Covaxin is BBV152. It is undergoing clinical trials at this time and the estimated completion date is January of 2022. Conclusion of trials then requires an application for the next step, and it would be authorization under the EUA under the current circumstances or full approval and licensing if one or more of the currently authorized vaccines are fully approved. Barring any other effects, this would look like a late 1st quarter application for authorization and an early 2nd quarter 2022 action by the FDA. The point to this post is to manage expectations, to get people to think about the FDA approving one or more of the currently authorized vaccines. If or when that happens, all vaccine candidates are suddenly moved into the full approval track. This takes years, not months. I suspect many pharmaceutical companies will see the writing on the wall and suspend their projects. It has become clear to me that the government has picked the winners and an approval for one or more of the three authorized vaccines is right around the corner.
Great- cannot see my 2 1/2 year old grandson. It’s already been a year and a half. Treatments aren’t the issue. No vax, no visit💔💔💔
Jose, do you know if the COVID antibody treatment that is available for people who have recently been infected is free from a connection with abortion?
Kelly, there are many monoclonal antibody treatments. Do you have a trade name or a biologics code?
I think Kelly may be referring to Sotrovimab
Is the monoclonal antibody treatment produced or tested on aborted baby stem cells?
Jose – is the Regeneron monoclonal antibody treatment free from abortion connection?
I’m wondering about the one being used in Florida and the one being used in Texas specifically. The Florida one is owned by a company called Blackrock.
Looks like the ones for use in Texas are Bamlanivimab and Casirivimab/Imdevimab (Regeneron). I believe Regeneron was the one Trump used when he was sick and Democrats were quick to point out that it had been tested (?) on fetal cells.
The Regeneron monoclonal antibody treatment is morally compromised.
Ocugen’s request for HC approval. Not sure how it will affect FDA approval.
The pre-print for one of their phase III trials. Not yet peer reviewed. We shall see what happens with it.
Yes, thank you for sharing that Dr. Trasancos. I’ve read about the research & fetal specimens used in the development of the polio vaccine. While we have all benefitted from vaccines there’s a dark history behind medical research. And that goes back centuries.
Hello Mr. Trasancos – I have a question about full FDA approval. I had the impression, from what I read of vaccine approval timelines at Johns Hopkins (, that even under accelerated development, you can’t get full approval unless you have 2 years worth of data on how the vaccine works in humans. Do any of the COVID vaccines in the US really have 2 years worth of data yet? Do I misread the timeline at Johns Hopkins? You seem to understand the process very well, so I hope you can fill me in.
Thanks for all you do here. Whenever I get depressed by how usually pro-life Catholics are just rolling over and playing dead about these unethically produced vaccines, I come here to read more reasonable posts.
Laura, none of the current Covid vaccines have FDA approval. They are under emergency use. The clinical trial ends in early 2023. Everyone receiving the Covid vaccines is the experiment. They are not FDA approved although they are trying to do that-they are under a EUA and people are not adequately informed of their experimental nature.
Jose- which treatments would you recommend if we were to get Covid?
Nancy, I’m not a medical doctor so I cannot give such advice. Your specific medical history and current condition are very important when answering a question like this. I would run this question by my doctor and perhaps seek another opinion or two. Non-vaccine treatments are being explored every day and the objective data are starting to burn through some of the politics in some circles. Ivermectin, HCQ and other protocols are worthy of investigation by many and there are others, like monoclonal antibody protocols that should be considered. Not all monoclonal antibodies are morally compromised.
Laura, that is what the rules say, but we’re living in a time when we are allowing the government to play without rules. The current administration has been openly discussing full approval of one or more of the vaccines for some weeks now, despite the fact that there are questions of great significance that remain unanswered. This mass vaccination campaign has been nothing more than the largest clinical trial in the history of immunology.
Yes, that is what the rules say. Title 21, Chapter 9, Subchapter V, Part E, sec. 360bbb of the United States Code is also the law of the land. This is the section of the US Code that deals with EUA and the limitations imposed on the administration and control of experimental drugs. This part of the U.S. Code is routinely and blatantly violated every single day by agencies of the government, leaders of the government, employers, educational institutions, governors, mayors, you name it, they’re violating it. What’s the point? WE, THE PEOPLE are letting it happen. If something like this is blatantly ignored, a comparative nuance dealing with FDA approval matters not one bit. Unless we won’t stand for it.
Unless we pitch a fit, speak up, refuse to be doormats, and embrace peaceful civil disobedience (Mohandas Gandhi and Dr. King showed us how), authoritarian forces will continue to walk all over us. This is not a comfortable process and we need to be prepared and willing to experience that discomfort, but that’s what it is going to take. Judeo Christian history is full of periods of persecution. This is the latest chapter in that book.
I was asking about the two year rule because there was a case that went to the Supreme Court several years ago (I think during the Trump administration) where the administration had changed some policy, and others who didn’t like it sued, and the Supreme Court said the administration hadn’t followed the regulations and so had to go back and revoke their change and do things properly. Those who mainly object to the vaccines because of lack of long term safety data might be able to sue and get the full approval process slowed down due to the lack of data required by the regulations. Of course, that doesn’t mean the Supreme Court won’t decide to ignore it as it would become a moot issue next summer or fall (or 2023, per Tracy above – I thought clinical trials started last fall or so) if they don’t do an expedited hearing, and even if the challengers won, the FDA could just refuse to do any more EUAs until Pfizer had 2 years worth of data. We do have medical people in my area (in Ohio) objecting to being medical experiments after their employers instituted vaccine mandates.
Now, long term data won’t change the ethical picture of the vaccines currently available, but hopefully if those who only care about safety slow full approval down, we will have time to get an ethical candidate approved. Unless, as I wrote above, the FDA plays hard ball in favor of their current candidates.
Yes, Mr. Trasancos, I am not looking forward to what happens if only unethical candidates are available when one gets full approval. I will refuse to accept an unethical vaccine, even if it costs me my job. I work for a big defense contractor. They haven’t instituted a mandate yet, but (despite normally being very stingy with money) give you leave to get vaccinated. And of course, Pres. Biden ordered the government to find a way to force vaccine mandates on all federal contractors. I have enough savings to live off of for several years, but it won’t last forever. I don’t know what else I can do to object beyond not getting the unethical shots, vocally saying why (I have already written to most of the pharmaceutical companies), pressuring politicians to support conscientious objection, and sending donations to John Paul II Medical Research Institute (as they have two COVID vax under development and are dedicated to ethical medical research). Oh, and I won’t leave quietly at work if there are no conscientious exemptions allowed – I will contact the lawyers at another charity I give to that says they can help out in such matters.
What’s really depressing is how many normally pro-life Catholics just refuse to admit there is an ethical problem with these vaccines. It’s one thing to say your personal health situation recommends remote material cooperation in evil in this case (although I’d have a hard time convincing myself to do that), but quite another to treat those with ethical objections as erroneous and violating Church teaching. That’s not how I read the 2005 statement from the Pontifical Academy for Life.
When are we going to stop letting the Culture of Death tell us what the common good is? Unborn babies need to be included in that too, and as the existence of ethical COVID vaccines in other countries tells us, it is NOT necessary to kick some people out of the “common good” in order to save the rest of them.
I have read up on Ivermectin and HCQ and would feel confident taking them- but I’m pretty sure that my doctor in nyc would not approve of it.
But is Bamlanivimab monoclonal antibody treatment free from a connection to abortion?
Ivermectin and HCQ prescriptions are available by telemedicine from America’s frontline doctors, if you don’t have a doctor who will prescribe them for you. One of my friends who came down with coronavirus said she was doing very poorly until she took ivermectin, and she recommends it to everyone.
And just double checking, neither Ivermectin or Hydroxychloriquine have any connection to abortion, correct?
Its fairly challenging to find the right data… but based on some extensive digging, it was tested on the HEK-293 cell line… I would suspect that all of them are.
Hydroxychloriquine is free from connection to abortion. I don’t have time at the moment to dig into Ivermectin and it was developed around the time HEK-293 was.
I encourage you to continue your research: Parents in the medical field are getting upset. This is just one post that I’ve seen:
My 18-yr-old is continuing to have numerous unexplained medical issues since her second shot. Please pray for her. Also watch Seminaire Peter McCullough’s July 5 presentation to Infection Institute in France, or even
Very sad to see anyone die when these drugs will eliminate the virus in 10 days. My niece Joanna is no longer a nurse and says she knows 1000 reasons not to get these vaccines. God bless you, JoAnna!
God bless you for this reply, Kelly.
The mRNA are inaccurately called “vaccines” they are not. They are experimental gene therapies and the polio vaccine is totally different.. I suggest you listen to a panel of true experts on this issue- starting with Dr Peter McCullough – clearly one of the world most authoritative and top expert in covid 19 –
Well said.
I have covid with symptoms now and ivermectin works. I have respiratory allergies that increase my risk of covid’s impact, and ivermectin immediately helped, along with HCQ, doxycycline, dexamethason, Vit C, D and zinc. I also take probiotics, kombucha, barley grass, eat healthy, drink lots of water, and get plenty of fresh air.
I also need prayers. I own nursing homes and now we are being threatened to cut our funding if we don’t mandate the vax. It is not fair to impose this immoral burden on us as employers. It puts us right in the middle of carrying out the government’s agenda to mandate the jab. It’s really going to cause severe backlash because many employees won’t tale it and our industry is already short handed and the government knows that. Please pray for me and my family as we navigate this awful time in our country’s history. Without state and federal funds nursing homes will close with nowhere for the staff and residents to go to work and live.
I am praying for you.
I’ve heard a lot of good things about Ivermectin- but also hear that it is made for de worming farm animals and would be harmful for human consumption.
I’m praying too! Having worked in a nursing home as a RN 6 years ago- the staffing shortages were insane. I had 30 patients- 11 being diabetics! At night, I would have 60 patients! I lasted 3 months. I was at a “good” clean nursing home- I’m sure yours is much better- but it’s time for a huge overall in care. Let God transform your vocation and refuse to be dependent on government (I know! But they have you over a barrel and if you have to give experimental drugs to people against their will- I feel you have to stand your ground- I know that’s so hard!) I’m praying for strength for you to do what needs to be done. God’s will!
I feel your pain. My heart is also so broken. Were it not for my darling husband, when I got the news, I would have lain down and died.
me too.
My heart is broken as well. When I got the news, were it not for my darling husband, I would have just lain down and died.
I’m the daughter of a polio survivor. I also personally KNOW someone who caught polio from their vaccine. That’s why they changed the vaccine. It was hurting people.
Anti-vax and anti-murder/using-sacrificed-babies-for-medicine are not the same thing. Have you not seen the list of morally derived vaccines?
It really is tragic that the most innocent ones among us had to perish in order to create these vaccines. It is admittedly a little bit shocking to see that we won’t have a vaccine that doesn’t use aborted unborn children for at least a couple years. It’s crazy to think that we have more advanced technology sitting in our pockets every day than what took to be able to land on the moon, yet we can’t create a vaccine that doesn’t used fetal cell tissue. It’s almost like the experts don’t want to create an ethical vaccination. If the liberal establishment wanted us conservatives, pro-lifers and Children of God (ba-dum tish) to get the vaccination, they should be trying to make an ethical vaccination ASAP. And one that doesn’t pose a more serious risk to youngsters such as myself, but one step at a time here.
Heaven not Garvard motto in my household!
Thank you very much Dr. Trasancos for the amazing work that you and your team have done.
In the second paragraph, you indicated that Medicago and Novavax are no longer included in the list of the morally uncompromised.
The “Full List of COVID-19 Vaccines in Development” shows, in red color, that Novavax is “Tested on HEK aborted fetal cells.” Is Medicago, using a plant-based approach, also tested on aborted fetal cells?
The Diocese of Oakland uses church facilities as vaccination sites. Will the diocese be liable when death or severe side-effects occur? The victims or the family of the deceased cannot sue the vaccine manufacturers or the government.
Your answer (on August 16, 2021 at 8:48 am) is superb. Thank you very much Dr. Trasancos.
Dr. Trasancos,
My internist is recommending monoclonal antibody treatment, but my initial research appears to show that Regeneron is morally compromised (tested against fetal stem cell lines). In your comment above, you indicated that “Not all monoclonal antibodies are morally compromised.” Can you comment as to which ones you are aware of that are not morally compromised?
Thank you,
Polio is not one disease from a single pathogen (ie. no singular pathogen was ever isolated or proven to cause specific symptons), but a set of similar symptoms with several causes. One of the main causes for the “polio” outbreaks back in the 50s and 60s was the widespread use of DDT, a pesticide that our govt, unsurprisingly, labeled “safe and effective”. DDT was found out to be behind many health issues, was exposed by a brave journalist who wrote a book about it, and then was discontinued. It was this discontinuation of DDT that saw the drastic reduction in “polio” cases. This is all gone over in detail with supporting data in Dr Suzanne Humphreys excellent book “Dissolving Illusions” (which I doubt you’ll read, but may be a resource to anyone else with an open mind on this forum).
Lastly, “polio” symptomology, far from being erradicated, is actually still around, and most cases happen as a side effect of, guess what, vaccination. In third world countries and poorer areas of the world, children and some adults are used as guinea pigs by pharmaceutical companies in the name of “vaccination” campaigns for “oublic health”. India, Brazil, and parts of Africa have seen a huge surge in polio-like cases after organizations such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and others have distributed certain vaccines. And here in the States, many who get the Flu shot or the gardasil shot, for example, have come down with Guillame Barre syndrome and other polio like illnesses. This is all info available on the CDC site VAERS.
In short, vaccines can cause polio like illnesses, and the original polio wasnt cured by vaccines whatsoever.
This has been a very common question of late. Monoclonal antibody treatments are actually far more numerous than COVID-19 vaccines. Like most families of drugs that treat a disease or spectrum, some are ethically-derived and some are not. There are hundreds of monoclonal antibody treatments in play. One needs to be specific.
Sotrovimab is morally compromised. So are REGEN_COV (Regeneron) and Bamlanivimab.
I have not heard any public encouragement from the USCCB to develop non-remotely connected vaccines. Is that part of the reason they are not being developed, or is it just not scientifically feasible?
Does anyone have any information on the vaccine Covaxin. I have heard that there was no involvement of aborted cell use in this vaccine. Please let me know.
Covaxin is ethically derived – no connection to abortion. It is not yet available in the U.S.
Hello Mr. Trasancos, First, I would like to thank you for all the great work that you do! The information on this website has been so helpful to me.
I have a question about the recently so called FDA approved Pfizer vaccine .
Some report state that the Pfizer’s vaccine is still under EUA and the drug that really is approved is a new vaccine called biotech Comirnaty not made in the US but a German pharmaceutical partnering with Pfizer and is being presented to the public as its the Pfizer vaccine .
below is a section of one of the articles I read and another from church militant.
“The FDA approval of the Biologics License Application (BLA) is actually in regards to the Comirnaty produced by BioNTech, a vaccine that may or may not be identical to the Pfizer vaccine but one that has not yet been produced and is not available. Most news agency are falsely reporting that it’s just a name change, but there are two distinct vaccines from a legal standpoint… one that you sign a liability waver and you can’t sue the drug company and one that not available.
According to mRNA pioneer Dr. Robert Malone, “It’s absolutely not available,” Malone explained. “The little trick that they’ve done here is that they’ve issued two letters, separate letters for two separate vaccines. The Pfizer vaccine which is what is currently available, is still under emergency use authorization, and it still has the liability shield.”
He added, “The product that’s licensed is the BioNTech product which is substantially similar but not necessarily identical. It’s called Comirnaty… and it’s not yet available. They haven’t started manufacturing it or labeling it and that’s the one that the liability waiver will no longer apply.”
Do you have any clarification on this and what this other vaccine is? Is it tested and produced that same way as the Pfizer vaccine?
Thank you again!
God Bless
I review above discussion on 9 September 2021 AD with prayer and RX ONLY authority given to RX physicians, MD by training, State licensing boards, and the usual language approved by federal FDA, RX ONLY statements on package insert(s) of many drugs, but of late not on package inserts of some vaccines approved by FDA. Oversight or by intention, I do not know, or have written evidence. I am also given authority to comment by God and scripture which states the profession of medicine shall be sacred. My prayer and ask God’s help to become reality again by God’s plan and will.
On 23 August 2021 AD the FDA gave approval of first COVID (20) 19 (AD) vaccine:
“U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine has been known as the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, and will now be marketed as Comirnaty…”
I know of some physician(s), one or more, who would NOT RX Only such available today’s vaccines with the knowledge they have at their bedside or “office-side” Yet it appears to me, that local and Federal authorities are RX ONLY the drugs and vaccines without the legitimate authority to prescribe. Who trusts the system currently? Who is advising EACH individual patient the risk, benefit, PRIOR to that individual receiving or denying such option? Is it remaining a Rx Only that each patient can legitimately deny or accept? Or is it becoming “mandate” by those authorities that do not have the legal right to “practice” medicine? More questions than answers! I rely and trust in God in this matter and give gifts to those who will clarify the muddy waters.
Sincerely and Respectfully In God We Trust,
Michael John Thomas Knitter, MD
9 September 2021 AD In the Year of Our Lord.
This is taken from the FDA website:
“Comirnaty has the same formulation as the FDA-authorized Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine and can be used interchangeably to provide the COVID-19 vaccination series without presenting any safety or effectiveness concerns. The products are legally distinct with certain differences that do not impact safety or effectiveness.”
I call everyone’s attention to the words ‘legally distinct’. That means they are different. If the product is labeled ‘Comirnaty’, then the comprehensive liability waiver applied to the EUA vaccine NO LONGER APPLIES. If the product is NOT labeled ‘Comirnaty’, then it is the formulation subject to the comprehensive liability waiver.
I have not seen any information on production or distribution of the Comirnaty vaccine. It is not yet available and it is not clear when it will be.
The FDA reports that Comirnaty has the same formulation as the EUA vaccine. One can safely assume that the production of the active ingredients is the same. Please go to the FDA website for more information.
I am not required to set myself on fire to keep others warm.
I’m so exhausted with choosing between vaccines and my morals. I’ve been doing this for over 16 years. I’m not a scientist or a doctor, I’m just a pro-life mother who wants ethical vaccines for my children. Pharma can use ethical alternatives, yet they choose not to. It’s hard for me to trust that they are life saving, when they go out of their way to use unethical resources. Money is what drives this decision and I have trust issues with that as well. When these diseases peek and then start declining vaccines appear and become the “hero”.
Then they get to “show off” all their life saving stats so they can harvest more and older human cell lines. Let’s destroy life, to save it, and make fat cash. Sounds trustworthy.
Your young and it is very rude to accuse someone of lying just because you dont want to hear a different point of view. Please learn some manners and how to discuss a topic without shutting someone down by calling them a liar. Hey you may learn something!
JoAnna, you get many replies which is good unless the many themselves harass in group think.
Let me by the Holy Spirt, my prayer, assist you and those commenting now and for all time.
You make a two sentence reply to a Hans Dr. Karbe above.
Within those two sentences, there are multiple concepts perceived and advised.
Your first sentence states “Stop lying.’ Which God and man’s scriptures agree with you.
By your position or watchtower position, it appears some of God’s people are lying.
And by Ezekiel chapter 33, you may be called by God to call some out, as you see it. Good.
Not to lie, is what God commands. Do not bear false witness.
And then the hardest is Exodus 23: 1.
“You shall not repeat a false report.” Many give or repeat a false report.
If an authority figure gives false report, and you know it in your heart, call them on it.
Be afraid of just authority for they are put in that position to enforce good.
If you want to be unafraid of authority, do what is good.
Yet I would advise, not to speak if you are just frustrated, and seem to desire and not need to speak.
Read Romans 13 : 3. “For rulers are not a cause of fear to good conduct, but to evil. Do you wish to have no fear of authority? Then do what is good and you will receive approval for it, …”
The approval may come just from God, for man may still kill your body for your true witness calling.
Then consider Sirach Chapter 42 verse one through two. “But of these things do not be ashamed, lest you sin through human respect: of the law of the Most High and his precepts, or the sentence to be passed onto the sinful: …”
Regarding your second sentence mentioning “necessary, effective, and” … “dangerous” which you pose “not”. I would say and pray that some reports are false on closer inspection and prayer: therefore, I will not repeat a false report either as physician MD or as a servant in Christ Jesus.
If you have specific question regarding my faith or review of the “science” reports that have little to no confirmation bias and or authority bias, I will serve you and fellow man with love as commanded by my Lord.
My direct e-mail is
Sincerely and Respectfully In God We Trust,
Michael John Thomas Knitter, MD
21 September 2021 AD in the year of Our Lord.
To John, what is this vaccine used for? Covid?
Is it true that Australia is locking up people who do not wish to take the covid vaccines?
As a Catholic, I read the USCCB’s statement that the stem cell line used by Pfizer was from an aborted child in the 1970s and was used only for testing but not in the production of Pfizer’s Covid vaccine. I know it did prevent deaths (especially deaths of the elderly, immuno-compromised, and overweight) and that was the reason the Pope’s committee declared that we morally get the vaccine, and also to protect others we came in contact with. Is the USCCB now saying it is important or okay to get the booster Pfizer shot?
I just came by to commend Mr. Trasancos for his response to Ms. Joanna above. We need more dialouge and conversation that is fruitful, informative and accurate all while treating the opposing side with respect and dignity. I, for one, am so very thankful for the work you all do here at Children of God For Life and I’m not sure I would feel as confident in my decisions had it not been for your work.
Jose, have you written about the names of any monoclonal antibody treatments that are free from a connection to abortion? You’ve mentioned that some are morally derived, but never referred to them by name. It would be useful information to have.
Kelly, the monoclonal antibodies most frequently discussed with respect to COVID-19 treatment are as follows:
Sotrovimab – Lenti X-293T fetal cell line
Casirivimab – ACE2-293, HEK-293T, Freestyle 293 Cell lines
Imdevimab – ACE2-293, HEK-293T, Freestyle 293 Cell lines
Bamlanivimab – HEK-293T, Freestyle 293, HEK-293E, 293 ACE2, HEK-293 Cell lines
Tocilizumab – no fetal cell lines used
The last, Tocilizumab, is free of association with abortion. Note that Casirivimab and Imdevimab together are the REGEN-COV combination.
Does anyone know of the testing and development of the the Merck Anti-Covid Oral Capsule in regards to the aborted fetal cell line issue? There is quite a bit of news about it today.
John, I posted some information on this yesterday evening. It’s on the home page.
So if you get bit by a rabid animal, you’ll just die? Because that’s what will happen if you don’t take a rabies vaccine after being bitten: symptomatic rabies has a 90% mortality rate even with the most aggressive treatment in existence.
Any of the rabies vaccines given after infection and the onset of symptoms would be a waste of time and likely do more harm than good. The vaccines are preventative, not curative. Treatment of the infection is different.
Any how, there are ethically derived rabies vaccines in the market.
Can you comment on the Sanofi recombinant vaccine? I thought it was going to be available as an ethical alternative towards the end of this year or the beginning of next year?
Michelle, that Sanofi vaccine was tested in aborted fetal cell lines before the initiation of clinical trials. As I said in this post, I don’t believe there will be an ethical vaccine for quite some time. The FDA approval of Pfizer’s Comirnaty has changed the landscape and the likely approval of Moderna in the coming weeks will further cement this change. Every other vaccine will find itself on the approval path, not the authorization path, and that will take quite a bit of time.
What we may see is authorization of Merck’s orally delivered anti-viral. It’s not a vaccine but it has shown to be an effective post-onset of symptoms treatment and it is ethically derived. It is described here.
I’m confused – according to your list of vaccines in development, the Sanofi recombinant vaccine was developed using insect cells and says nothing about it being tested in fetal cells. I’ve been relying heavily on that pdf in trying to make conscientious decisions for our family and I’ve pointed a lot of people to that same pdf. Is it inaccurate?
The pdf has not been updated with that information. We will do so in the near future. Fact of the matter is that it will not be approved any time soon. The point to this post is to get folks’ head around the fact that an ethical vaccine is not going to happen in the near future. It may be years.
If we start simple, maybe you could better understand. The definition of safe is “protected from or not exposed to danger or risk“. There are risks associated with every vaccine that has ever been produced. That risk often times includes death. Using the word safe in any combination with a vaccine is irresponsible. I put all my trust in my creator and know the immune system he created for me is the safest option I have to staying healthy as I treat my body as a temple. Our immune system
will never be able to be duplicated by any medicine that science can create.
For your one article I can produce 100 saying the opposite. Look at both sides.
JoAnna: Your link stated . . . .
“A Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine trial involving nearly 44,000 volunteers found vaccination to be 95% effective.”
Do you think this is still true?
There are two (out of three) ethically-sourced vaccines available in Russia right now, apparently. EpiVacCorona and CoviVac. The former is based on the synthetic amino-acid of spike protein and the latter is Vero Cell, a Russian analog of Sinopharm. Since the Foundations of Social Policy of the ROC (chapter XII, par. 7) condemns the use of aborted fetal stem cell lines in research, the Orthodox faithful were urged to choose the vaccines that did not use such lines. This was the resolution of May 20, 2021 Patriarchal Round Table at Sretenskaya Seminary. Also, Patriarch Kirill, apparently, did not get immunized with Sputnik out of concerns with HEK293. He, like the Mufti of Tatarstan, chose EpiVacCorona.
(If you need links/references to all of this, I am glad to post them, just did not want to clutter the forum.)
There is a new Vaccine that has been developed in Sydney Australia called Engenic that I would love “Cogforlife” to investigate I have no idea what if any cell line it uses. And yes!! I’m waiting for the Vaxx that doesn’t contain aborted fetal stem cells in it. The Engenic Vacc. Is still in trials but it’s looking very positive
What about Covaxin? I cannot see it listed on the charts about vaccines on this site. Anyone know if Covaxin is abortion-tainted?
No Annette we are not being “locked up” as in jail but we are still in lockdown while the fully vaccinated are no longer in lockdown. I live in the state of NSW and we are hopeful of being let out of lockdown on December 1st but it’s not definite yet. In the state of Victoria the unvaccinated are told by their Premier they will not be allowed out of lockdown at least before April next year. I feel so sorry for them. My son living in Melbourne lost his job because he refused to have the Vaccine. He and some fellow workers are moving to NSW tomorrow and they already have work lined up and a place to stay among like minded friends. I’m so happy that he will be out of Victoria. I am so saddened by what is happening in our world today. We must stay strong and faithful. God bless you all. Thanks for listening (reading) lol I live alone (widow of many years), so I tend to ramble on a bit.
Why, oh why, oh why ??? … do the scientists not want to use the cells of a baby that dies from natural causes ?????? … This is beyond my comprehension …
Hello Belinda ,
This might be of some help. This Is an earlier article from this website.
God Bless
Thanks for the info Annette, much appreciated
Thanks to Annette, I now understand why miscarried babies are not used. But allow me to create a hypothetical situation. A baby is injured in an accident and is on life-support, but there is no longer any brain activity detected. Parents eventually will need to cut off the life-support … why do scientists not try to obtain these babies for their purposes ?? …
Additionally, it seems that ibuprofen is abortion tainted, please look at this article called “Ibuprofen results in alterations of human fetal testis development”.
Seemingly the same with Ivermectin … see this article called “Mechanism of Ivermectin facilitation of human P2X4 Receptor Channels”
The babies are alive when born & are taken to be killed in order to use their fetal cells. Totally barbaric & evil & satanic.
Hello Belinda,
Please don’t thank me. The credit goes to the wonderful people who created this website and all the hard work and long hours to get this information to us. I am glad it was helpful. To your question about the medicines you mentioned. I would again direct you to another great article on this website that goes into detail on those medicines and how there is no link to aborted cell lines.
I also would like to direct you to another great website if I may post it here. It was created by a catholic Doctor Paul Byrne. He has also worked long hours bringing to light the use of the term “Brain Death” and how and why it was created and how organ donation is a form of extracting organs while the person is still alive which is the same method use to obtain the fetal cell lines.
Hope this is all helpful. I had lots of the same questions.
God Bless,
Thank you for taking the time to find these articles for me Annette … I am so confused about so much since learning this a few days ago … I find it ultra distressing
May God abundantly bless you and yours
Perhaps I should frame my question differently ….. is there ANY ethical and moral, but mostly God-approved, method for scientists to obtain fetal tissue cells for their work ??? …
Hello Belinda,
You are right. The information is a lot to take in but you could not be on a better website for that. You will find great reliable, truthful information here. If I may post a book, that is also a great source of information.
This is a link to the website to purchase the book. Vaccination: A Catholic Perspective by Pamela Acker.
Pamela has brought to light the use of fetal tissue in vaccines over the years. She is wonderfully knowledgeable biologist and a devote catholic who cares greatly about ethical and moral ways of science. She also is a dear friend who I have been blessed to know. She speaks very highly about the Children of God website and all the work they have done.
To your question about there being any ethical, moral God approved methods of obtaining fetal tissue for research. I certainly am not a biologist or scientist to answer that question in that way. I believe that until mankind can all agree that at the moment of conception we are created by God as a sacred human life then there is the risk of life being discarded for whatever means is seen necessary.
God Bless,
What about France’s Valneva COVID-19 vaccine? EU Commission just signed a contract for 27 million doses to be delivered in 2022. ( This is a Vero cell based vaccine, inactivated virus strain (similar to Covaxin and Sinopharm). It also has strong EU political muscle behind it – the French are pissed that they have been pushed out of the market by the Germans (BioNTech) and the Brits (AstraZeneca).
Covaxin was researched and developed (virus grown and isolated from) using monkey cells, Vero Cell platform. It has resceived WHO approval and it has US distributor, Ocugen. AFAK, Covaxin is now under review for FDA authorization for pediatric use in the US.
Do you know if Covaxin will be available for adults??? I am about to lose my employment of 30 years if I can’t convince them that I have a possible alternative to wait for an ethical option with religious exemption.
Renee, I do not know. Ocugen’s press release says ages 2-18 ( Maybe they will apply for adult EUA later on. If you are federal (sub-)contractor or connected to Medicare funding, Biden’s mandate accepts all WHO vaccines such as Covaxin or Sinopharm (page 4 of ). I think you are within your rights to ask the employer to accommodate you with a wait for a morally acceptable vaccine, especially if those vaccines are included in the mandate.
HumbleFromTheTrumbull Thanks so much for the valuable information. I am an RN in a large healthcare system and my request must be submitted by Dec 4th. Even though we have Catholic hospitals in our system the tone is very patronizing and making fun of people standing for Life. I am nervous but I do trust God has prepared the way for us.
Please do not take any version of this. While it’s preferable to use animals instead of humans – of course! There are zoonotic disease risk from animal vectored vaccines. There are latent viruses that do not effect the animal host, but can cause disease In human host. Let them fire you and sue. Under no circumstances get any of these shots! I am a RN as well and have followed VAERS closely for 5 years. There is an insane amount of injury and death. Hundreds of thousands of parents have been sounding the alarm for years, but we ignored them. No one ever questions vaccination until they or their loved one becomes injured. This gene therapy has not shown to be effective or safe. Say no! Please help us see Lord! Look up the book Vaccination: a Catholic Perspective. God bless you all. Say “no!”
Is there a list of the Pharmaceutical Companies we should be contacting on a routine basis to express our protest? I wrote to Metck, Pfizer, Modetna and GSK but not sure how many or how often I should contact.
Let us now focus on Covid 19 therapeutics that are being utilized. COG, please investigate the moral acceptability of drugs such as the new Merck FDA approved drug, Molnupiraivir or the soon to be approved Palovid. We need information in order to make moral choices.
Allow me to start off with a bit of a clarification. Molnupiravir has been authorized under the EUA provisions of Title 21, not fully approved. It is considered experimental. The Pfizer antiviral is under similar consideration.
The information on both of these treatments may be found here. Unfortunately, both have connections to abortion.
Looks like Medicago, the Canadian Vax, maybe available soon. Is there any information on whether this is an ethical/moral option?
At last review, the Medicago vaccine was ethically derived, with no connection to abortion. As for availability, we can wait and see but I wouldn’t expect it to be available any time soon. Reportedly, the FDA has over 3,000 EUA applications pending. Then, there’s the politics of it all.
What is your opinion on the pills by Pfizer/Moderna they are supposedly about to approve?
Crystal, both of the new antivirals were developed and tested with aborted fetal cell lines. Beyond that, there has been some controversy surrounding their effectiveness, in particular Molnupiravir from Merck. I have not reviewed the most recent clinical trials data on the Pfizer antiviral. Here’s a link to a brief summary on both of them.
Is there a way to make a petition for the approval of an ethically derived vaccine (i.e., Covaxin, Sinopharm)?
We’re working on something along those lines. Please see our annual report for some information on the approach.
What are your thoughts on Corbevax?
The facts on Corbevax –
It is ethically researched, developed, tested and manufactured.
The manufacturer has not initiated clinical trials in the U.S. and has no plans to do so or seek authorization for the U.S. market.
Politics . . .
Annette and Belinda, I NEED to be part of the branch that STAYS connected to Jesus Messiah/Christ Lord and God. I believe your chain thread communication is such branch. God prunes my branches that will not bear fruit. If you stay connected to Christ/God’s blessing and Gift for US, we will bear fruit.
I am physician and have taken oath/creed. Declaration of Geneva Original 1948 was such branch that many have not stayed in. I stay in. It is alive in your hope illustrated by your and God’s proclamation “The moment of conception we are created by God as sacred Human Life” and I add “Person.”
Physician’s Oath/Creed:
Declaration of Geneva-Original 1948 as adopted by the World Medical Association:
I solemnly pledge myself to consecrate my life to the service of humanity; I will give to my teachers the respect and gratitude which is their due; I will practice my profession with conscience and dignity; the health of my patient will be my first consideration; I will maintain by all means in my power, the honor and the noble traditions of the medical profession; my colleagues will be my brothers [and sisters].
I will not permit considerations of religion, nationality, race, party politics or social standing to intervene between my duty and my patient. I will maintain the utmost respect for human life from the time of conception, even under threat, I will not use my medical knowledge contrary to the laws of humanity.
I make these promises solemnly, freely and upon my honor. In God I trust.
Dr. Trasancos and all who have posted comments on this stream, thank you so much.
I am not not a Catholic but have been staunchly pro-life for decades.
My Christian faith prevents me from taking any “unethical” vaccine but as a retired person, I have not had to make the hard choice that some of you have, to perhaps lose your employment if you do not compromise your beliefs. I applaud you and will pray for you
A question for Dr. Trasancos,(or anyone else): yeras ago I was led to believe that stem cells from umbilical cords were equally as effective as those from aborted fetuses in the creation of new lines. Is this true?
John, there is a bit of complexity to this question. The suitability of a cell line is determined by application. Cord blood sources are useful for some application and not very useful for others. I think your question centers on alternatives for fetal cell lines in biomedical research and development applications. Generally speaking, there are alternatives for many, as we have seen successful use of Vero-6, CHO, Sf9 and plant-based cell lines in biomedical applications. All of these alternatives have been successfully applied in vaccine development, and not just for SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. Aborted fetal cell lines, objectively speaking, are very useful in many applications and represent the ‘Easy Button’ for many researchers.
So, there are alternatives that have been successfully used many times. By the way, I’m not saying that these alternatives are universally applicable – I’m not a microbiologist and I’m going by what I have seen described in the literature. Perhaps it is one of those situations where the collective will is lacking. That is an inside-out process. We can change it from the outside in.
Our will is free and a gift from God. Free to the extent, is that, we still take the free will away from the early human being person and enslave their energy life for our own appetite, idol worship sacrifice. What we need is Faith that We must ask God for intervention. We may not need great number as Gideon found out, yet we need a faith full few to be disciplined in God’s ways to bring down a false idol industry addiction. We need a few converts from within the industry and a few from the outside. Then like a tree borer, we will bring down this false tree of life. We lost the hedge of protection God gave us. Prior to 911 we as a nation sinned, and we will pay for it justly until we repent, atone, and return to God and build protection and life for those who can not yet speak or show face as yet. Someday, let it be this day, we will celebrate the single mother choice to keep her Person, she is guardian of till birth, then if need be we will take over guardianship till that person has an adult face, and till the end of life. The gift we are to be to each other, in Christ. So be it.
Spikogen, produced by Vaxine in South Australia seems to be free of fetal involvement
Anne, where did you find that information? I have not seen anything published in a peer reviewed journal on this vaccine and I’ve been looking since November.
Actually they are not safe and if you dig around and did some of your own research you would find that there is a very high incidence of injury and death from those taking the Covid vaccine. It is still an experiment, there has never been a vaccine administered to human in such a short time frame. We don’t know long term effect and for someone to take this they have to have informed consent which is not being given. If someone wants to take it that is fine but as a human you deserve to know all the risks. I am a nurse and have seen some pretty horrible things 😢
The Pope and the USCCB will NOT be involved at MY Judgment Day. I will be judged on my decisions and my conscience, and I really don’t think that “but Jesus, the Pope and the USCCB said it was okay” is going to cut it! I can just hear Jesus saying “If they told you to stick your head in a hot oven would you do it?” Make Your decisions based on your own conscience and stand firm and you will be blessed.
Medicago has just been given approval by Health Canada, do we know if this is an ethical option? Thank you.
Medicago’s vaccine is plant-based and has produced good results in clinical trials, at least superficially. However, aborted fetal cell lines, specifically HEK-293T cells, were used in the development of this vaccine. The fetal cell lines were used in the pseudovirus neutralization assay, as described in this paper.
Mr.Trasancos, Thank you for your dedication. I am in my 70’s unvaxed and recently have been advised of a possible exposure to covid.I will get a pcr test in a few days. In the event that the result is positive I was wondering if you would know what treatments would be ethical to consider. God bless …..
Jean McDonnell, Please check this website. You will be able to get trusted advice there.
At the same site: Prevention and Treatment Protocols for COVID-19
I have been following this group of fine and courageous doctors for about two years. They hold a zoom meeting each Wednesday to keep us updated. Past meetings are available for viewing on the website. God bless, M
Thank you for the information.God bless….
Hi everyone, I heard from a doctor on YouTube named Drbeen but it is possible to use skin cell lines instead of using aborted fetal cell lines to create a vaccine. I’m just wondering if anybody has any understanding in this knowledge, I thought it would bring some hope.
First of all, you need tp stop trying to justify mRNA gene code serums as vaccines. They’re gene-code(or more so gene editing) serums. In regards to CoViD 19 modified mRNA serums, the powers that be want the vaccine legal protections given for true vaccines.
You must ethically push back on this and educate the public on this. When Moderna has been experimenting with gene therapies , they didn’t then call them vaccines but “gene therapy.” The COVID 19 mRNA (gene code)serums are proven NOT therapeutic for immunity nor healing and is NOT FDA approved as completed product whilst it is still in phse 3 of 4 clinical trial status in practice and on paper.
We know so early long term effects vancer, deaths, heart disease, etc) now and short trrm effects(deaths , heart disease, & more). See Dr Martin and/or Dr Hotze via Bitchute dot com.
Big pharma bought and paid for universities will print nearly anything they’ve been coerced to. You cannot ehtically npr legally declare a product safe and effective for good health vwhen it is still in clinical trial phase which means still incomplete and still in experimental phase. You need to go see the clincal trials reports. The FDA & Pfizer were ordered by Federal Judge to release to the public. It is no where near safe. Lots of heart problems, spontaneous abortions, bleed out newborns, exacerbated cancers, sudden death adults and teens, and tge list goes on.
Wm Gates and Klaus Schwab promotes death by vaccine although thismRNA is not a true vaccine but ca gene code serum. Dr Charles Lieber’s technology included the nano-technology for tracking those that took the shot with transceivers or transmitters in the shots. Look up La Quinta Columna via ugetube or Bitchute video websites.
Hello, what aout this one?:
I have been waiting to be able to travel to USA since COVID nightmare started and I have not been able. Three years that I do not see my daughter :(
The intranasal approach holds much promise. COVID-19 is a respiratory infection, after all.
The announcement deals with the front end of the process. One can assume that reference to ‘development’ means there will be some pre-trials work. Then the clinical trials and, finally, an application for approval (BLA). I hope the process unfolds rapidly.
Thanks so much for the encouraging message. Please have also a look into this news. It is from Wion, an Indian news channel:
Is there any treatment option for covid that is not compromised by thr use of fetal stem cell lines/