Please sign this petition sent to us from Italy for religious rights to abstain from aborted fetal vaccines! Click Translate this page at the top right corner (in Google Chrome browser)
If you cannot get it to translate, here is the English version:
Church, vaccines prepared from abortion fetal cells and conscientious objection
The question concerns the legality of the production, dissemination and use of certain vaccines whose production is linked to procured abortion acts.
These are live virus vaccines that have been prepared from human fetal cell lines of fetal origin using abortion human fetal tissues as the source of such cells.
We ask the Catholic Church to start negotiating with the Italian State for the Catholic faithful to be granted, for religious reasons, the objection of conscience, considering in addition that there are no epidemic conditions that justify the immoral use of these vaccines So products.
The request is born spontaneously from the invitation received and received by the faithful through the document “MORAL REFLECTIONS BETWEEN VACCINES PREPARED FROM CELLS FROM HUMAN HUMAN ABORTES” of June 2005, a document within which cows are quoted from Such a composition and inviting the faithful, in non-epidemic and risk situations, such as those in which we are today, to obey the conscience obeying the life of each individual, the son of God even though he has not yet come to the world.
Note: The letter and document from the Pontifical Academy for Life is found here:
Science and medicine proclaim to want to save lives with sick innovation and research like we just read about but…
Want information to be in English
Dear GOD! Have mercy on this. Makes me want to vomit.