Since we broke the news in March 2011 about the use of aborted fetal cell lines by Senomyx to test its food and beverage flavor enhancers for several food giants, the public has responded with greater outrage and disgust than we have seen in more than a decade of our work – that is – exposing the truth about the exploitation of our unborn by these companies for profit!
It is with GREAT JOY that we report the following:
Breaking News:
For Immediate Release: April 30, 2012
Boycott Ends: PepsiCo will not use aborted fetal cell lines for flavor enhancers
(Largo, Fl) Children of God for Life announced today the stunning news that PepsiCo will not use aborted fetal cell line HEK-293 (human embryonic kidney) in their contractual agreement with Senomyx to develop flavor enhancers for their beverages.
Children of God for Life’s Executive Director, Debi Vinnedge, hailed PepsiCo’s decision as a major breakthrough and achievement by thousands of concerned consumers who have been writing and boycotting PepsiCo beverages since last May.
In a letter to Children of God for Life, PepsiCo’s VP of Global Public Policy, Paul Boykas stated that “Senomyx will not use HEK cells or any other tissues or cell lines derived from human embryos or fetuses for research performed on behalf of PepsiCo.”
“We are absolutely thrilled with PepsiCo’s decision,” stated Mrs. Vinnedge. “They have listened to their customers and have made both a wise and profound statement of corporate integrity that deserves the utmost respect, admiration and support of the public.”
In speaking with Mr. Boykas, Vinnedge noted that the company had conducted internal discussions, recognizing it was a highly sensitive and controversial subject that quite frankly, was not in the best interests of PepsiCo.
“We took the matter very seriously,” stated Mr. Boykas. “We have an official Statement on Responsible Research and we intend to live by that policy.”
That policy precludes any research by PepsiCo – or third parties they fund – from using human tissue or cell lines derived from embryos or fetuses. (See: and click on Responsible Research)
The decision means an immediate end to the boycott that began in May 2011- welcome news to both PepsiCo and their customers who have abstained from their favorite beverages in protest.
“We are grateful to PepsiCo and especially to all those who sent a loud and clear message to the management of this company. It’s incumbent upon us to closely monitor the situation to be sure that PepsiCo remains true to their word,” said Brad Mattes, Executive Director of Life Issues Institute, one of thirty five prolife organizations that joined Children of God for Life in the boycott. “There are moral cell lines Senomyx can and should be using – not just for PepsiCo research but for all their customers.”
Senomyx receives royalties for products sold using their ingredients. If they do not use aborted fetal cell lines, they offend no one; if they do, they most certainly offend at least half of US consumers who are prolife. But Children of God for Life also heard from a number of women who stated they were pro choice yet this use of aborted fetal cell lines, crossed the line and angered them as well.
“If for no other reason, it only makes financial sense for both Senomyx and their collaborators to avoid a substantial loss of potential market,” Vinnedge said. “Senomyx needs to stop using the aborted fetal cell lines entirely and we will continue to pressure them to do so.”
Vinnedge is strongly encouraging the public to take one more important step: write to PepsiCo and thank them – and then go buy your favorite Pepsi products to celebrate!
“Too often we seem to focus on the negatives and forget to take the time to let others know we appreciate their efforts”, stated Vinnedge. “It is our sincere hope that the public will once again rise to the occasion en masse as they did in the boycott – but this time in appreciation and support of PepsiCo.”
Read the previous articles and efforts in our boycott.
Write to thank Pepsi on their website or via US Mail to:
Albert P. Carey, CEO PepsiCo Beverages
700 Anderson Hill Road
Purchase, NY 10577
Phone: (914) 253-2000
Want information to be in English
Dear GOD! Have mercy on this. Makes me want to vomit.