End the Use of Aborted Children in Science

Children of God for Life is the Pro-Life Worldwide Leader in the Campaign for Ethical Vaccines, Medicines and Consumer Products that preserves the Dignity of Human Life.
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New to the Issue?

When we say that vaccines are produced or tested using aborted fetal cell lines, we are referring to a lineage of cells that originated with the corpse of an aborted child.

COVID-19 Guidance

Should I get the COVID-19 vaccine? To help you answer, here is a compilation of information about the COVID-19 vaccines available now in the U.S. market. 

Our Mission & Vision

Children of God for Life works to end the use of aborted children in research.

    We educate the public about the use of aborted children in biomedical research and commerce and take action to end these practices in governments, universities, and industries.

    • We distributed hundreds of thousands of free brochures on Vaccines From Abortion, Stem Cell Research, and Human Cloning across the United States and to over two dozen foreign countries.
    • We successfully fought for and obtained an ethical smallpox vaccine.
    • Our Campaign for Ethical Vaccines has over 600,000 supporters nationwide, and we continue to pressure the pharmaceutical industry and government to provide morally acceptable products.
    • We are fighting to protect the religious rights of parents, physicians, pharmacists, missionaries, and our military heroes who wish to abstain from using aborted fetal vaccines.
    • We have introduced legislation that would require all pharmaceutical companies to fairly label their products and give informed consent to all consumers, medical and science professionals.
    • We worked non stop during the Covid Pandemic to bring truthful and accurate information regarding vaccinations and treatments.
    • We continue our research in new and upcoming vaccinations and medications. 

    We solely rely on your generous contributions in order to continue our important mission.

    Meet with Us

    Are you interested in helping us or partnering or collaborating with us? Please contact us and introduce yourself. We can schedule a meeting to explore the possibilities for working together.

    Plan a Webinar

    Would you like to host a webinar to teach your group about the use of the remains of aborted children in scientific research and biomedical commerce? Let us know. We can host on Zoom or come in person.

    Train and Help

    Do you think you can help us expose the use of aborted children in research by reading scientific reports? Contacting politicians, researchers, and industry? We can show you how to join the fight.


    Introduction of New Leadership

    Dear Friends and Supporters, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!It is with much gratitude that I have accepted the Executive Director position with CoG. Many of you know me as a familiar face to the organization as I had worked for Debi Vinnedge as...