by Debi Vinnedge | Jul 18, 2005 | News, Vatican Response
For Immediate Release July 18, 2005 – Children of God for Life Vatican Officials Condemn Aborted Fetal Vaccine Manufacturers – Demands Ethical Alternatives (Largo, FL) Children of God for Life has received a response from the Pontifical Academy for Life...
by Debi Vinnedge | Mar 31, 2005 | News, Terri Schiavo
Rome, Mar. 31 ( – The Vatican has called the death of disabled woman Terri Schiavo a “murder” and “arbitrarily hastened.” Joaquin Navarro-Valls, spokesman for the Holy See, said of Schiavo’s death on Thursday due to...
by Debi Vinnedge | Mar 23, 2005 | News, Terri Schiavo
Vatican weighs in on Schiavo case From CNN Rome Bureau Chief Alessio Vinci Wednesday, March 23, 2005 Posted: 3:11 AM EST (0811 GMT) Wednesday, March 23, 2005 Posted: 0811 GMT (1611 HKT) ROME, Italy (CNN) —...
by Debi Vinnedge | Mar 11, 2005 | News, Terri Schiavo EUTHANASIA: VATICAN AGAINST US JUDGE (AGI) – Vatican City, Mar 11 – The Church strongly repeats its ‘no’ against euthanasia, this...
by Debi Vinnedge | Mar 7, 2005 | News, Terri Schiavo
Statement of Cardinal Renato Martino, President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace 7 March 2005, Vatican City The courts have ruled again and again. Unfortunately, the deadline for the removal of the tube delivering food and water to Terri Schiavo is...
Want information to be in English
Dear GOD! Have mercy on this. Makes me want to vomit.