Vatican Official Clarifies His Position

Vatican Official Clarifies His Position Regarding Vaccine Statements to CNS For Immediate Release: August 3, 2005 Children of God for Life Contact: Debi Vinnedge (727) 584-3332 (Largo, FL) Msgr Jacques Suaudeau of the Pontifical Academy for the Family has clarified...

Fr. Anthony Zimmerman Responds

Using vaccines from aborted babies makes Mephistophilus laugh again Anthony Zimmerman STD Retired Professor of Moral Theology Nanzan University, Nagoya, Japan The crackling laughter of the wicked Mephistophilus assaulted my ears with horror as I watched the famous...

Responding to the Vatican’s Call

Responding to The Call:  Is Anyone Listening? By Debi Vinnedge “Anyone who is afraid of looking into his conscience is afraid of looking at God.” (In Conversation with God, Vol. 3, p.114) For the past five years, Children of God for Life has sought the help of every...