West Virginia now allows Religious Exemptions to required immunizations
On his first day in Office, West Virginia Governor Patrick Morrisey, made History by signing an Executive Order for families’ Right to be Religiously Exempt from the required compulsory immunizations. CoGforLife has been dedicated to advocating for families and...Where is our “Choice”?
One of the biggest misunderstandings in the vaccine debate is that those who conscientiously object to abortion tainted vaccines are somehow anti-vaccination. That is furthest from the truth. The media especially, have a difficult time understanding, let alone...
COVID-19 Vaccination Added to 2023 Immunization Schedules
The table was set for this when the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended the addition of COVID-19 vaccination to the child and adult immunization schedule, back in October of 2022. The vote was unanimous in support of the recommendation. The...
R&D, Testing, Production, and the “But For” Distinction: Defining Our Terms
We receive a lot of questions about whether vaccines, and many other pharmaceuticals, are produced without any connection to abortion.
Want information to be in English
Dear GOD! Have mercy on this. Makes me want to vomit.