The Greater Evil: The Third Party Candidate

One might compare this to a person who notices 10 people in the water drowning. His lifeboat only has room for seven so does he say, “Well I can’t save them all so I will let them all drown?” Would he not instead try to save as many as possible?

Abortion Quitters

The Human Life Foundation, Inc. The Ex-abortionists: Why They Quit As a young doctor in the early 1970s, Paul E. Jarrett, Jr., did a number of legal abortions. He began having doubts, though, after the urea-induced abortion of a mental patient. The child, weighing two...

Abortion Transcript 1

AMERICA DESERVES TO KNOW THE TRUTH Trials in the 3 lawsuits against the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act began Monday, March 29th in three separate U.S. District Courts.  The primary plaintiff in the Southern District of New York is the National Abortion Federation...

Steven Kellmeyer

Medical Cannibals: The Moral Implications of Fetal Tissue Vaccines By Steven Kellmeyer “Childhood vaccination is against our religious beliefs.” While this statement is associated with religious groups like the Jehovah’s Witnesses, it may become much...