NJ Bishops

NJ Bishops Reverse Policy Denying Religious Exemptions New Jersey Catholic Conference 149 North Warren Street • Trenton, New Jersey 08608 (609) 989-1120 • Fax (609) 989-1152 E-mail: info@njcathconf.com Web: www.njcathconf.com Patrick R. Brannigan, Executive Director...

Booster-Shot Frequency Is Questioned in Study

Note:  If your child has already had one dose of MMR and you are concerned about the using aborted fetal vaccines, ask your doctor to perform a titer blood test to check your child’s immunity.  If the immunity is high as the following article suggests, no...
Austin Diocese Denies Exemption – Feds Step In

Austin Diocese Denies Exemption – Feds Step In

Please Note: The Video Link: KXAN news, Austin Texas is no longer active.  To view their slide show on Garrett: http://www.statesman.com/ap/mediahub/media/slideshow/index.jsp?tId=30169 Family fights Catholic diocese over vaccine requirement Officials say they’re...

Pro-Family Law Center Analysis of CA HPV Mandate

CoG for Life Applauds Pro-Family Law Center:  Speaks out Against HPV Vaccine Mandate Note to our readers: The following letter was sent to the California Legislature from the Pro-Family Law Center in opposition to their proposed mandate for the HPV vaccine.  For...