NJ Bishops

NJ Bishops Reverse Policy Denying Religious Exemptions New Jersey Catholic Conference 149 North Warren Street • Trenton, New Jersey 08608 (609) 989-1120 • Fax (609) 989-1152 E-mail: info@njcathconf.com Web: www.njcathconf.com Patrick R. Brannigan, Executive Director...

Booster-Shot Frequency Is Questioned in Study

Note:  If your child has already had one dose of MMR and you are concerned about the using aborted fetal vaccines, ask your doctor to perform a titer blood test to check your child’s immunity.  If the immunity is high as the following article suggests, no...

Death toll on Gardasil…

Deaths Associated with HPV Vaccine Start Rolling In, Over 3500 Adverse Affects Reported By John-Henry Westen TORONTO, September 20, 2007 (LifeSiteNews.com) – As Canada, in large part due to aggressive behind the scenes lobbying, rolls out the...