Settled Science: Yes, Aborted Fetal Material is Most Certainly Present in Vaccines and Medicines
There has been considerable misinformation circulating regarding aborted fetal material in vaccines, to the extent that some individuals have stated that there is NO, or very minimal, residual material in the vaccines themselves. Unfortunately, the undisputable...
The Day Has Come – Roe Will Be Overturned
Praise God! A leaked opinion, written by Justice Samuel Alito, sends the clearest of signals that the Supreme Court of the United States will soon announce that Roe V. Wade has been overturned. Let that sink in for a moment. And a moment longer. A shining example of...
Corbevax, Covaxin and Novavax
These vaccine candidates have been in the news lately, and we’ve received a number of inquiries with respect to their ethics and potential availability. Let’s address these questions. Corbevax Corbevax made the news in late December of last year, following its...
R&D, Testing, Production, and the “But For” Distinction: Defining Our Terms
We receive a lot of questions about whether vaccines, and many other pharmaceuticals, are produced without any connection to abortion.
Want information to be in English
Dear GOD! Have mercy on this. Makes me want to vomit.