Bishop Strickland’s Homily: “Mandates are Evil”

Bishop Strickland’s Homily: “Mandates are Evil”

I am not here to judge anyone else’s action. I have to stand before the Lord for my decisions, but I will not mandate a mask or a vaccine because it is your free will choice. Yes, it is my obligation to urge you to form your conscience, to learn what you need to know to make a well-informed free choice decision, but mandates are evil.

Donum Vitae, Part I, Conclusion

Donum Vitae, Part I, Conclusion Conclusion The spread of technologies of intervention in the processes of human procreation raises very serious moral problems in relation to the respect due to the human being from the moment of conception, to the dignity of the...

The Teaching of Holy Scripture on the Sanctity of Life

Teaching of Holy Scripture on the Sanctity of Life In that the Catholic Faith is founded on the apostolic teachings found in Holy Scripture, the early teachings of the Church founders, The Catechism of the Catholic Church and the teachings from the Vatican, the Church...