Aids Vax

Note:  The aborted fetal cell line PER C6 which was used in the Merck AIDS vaccine is modified by Crucell NV with the troubling AD 5 vector.  PER C6 AD5 has been known to cause cancerous tumors in nude mice – and apparently, increased the risk of contracting...

Pro-Family Law Center Analysis of CA HPV Mandate

CoG for Life Applauds Pro-Family Law Center:  Speaks out Against HPV Vaccine Mandate Note to our readers: The following letter was sent to the California Legislature from the Pro-Family Law Center in opposition to their proposed mandate for the HPV vaccine.  For...

Letter from Health Canada

Received via Email from Canadian Physicians for Life January 12, 2007 —– Original Message —– From: Canadian Physicians for Life January 2, 2007 Dear Dr. Johnston, Thank you for your letter to Minister Smitherman dated November 22, 2006...

CMDA Statement Christian Medical and Dental Association Personal Safety and Public Health Since the pioneering work of Edward Jenner and others in developing a vaccination for smallpox over 200 years...