Letter to the CDC

I am enclosing a copy of the letter sent to Richard Clark, CEO of Merck regarding their recent decision to halt sales and production of their monovalent measles and mumps vaccines. I realize that it is not your duty to decide how vaccines are produced, but in order to achieve the goals you have set for eliminating diseases, you should be deeply concerned that a large portion of the population will not use vaccines such as the MMR that are produced with aborted fetal cell lines.

FDA Comment Letter

Children of God for Life 4613 Barfield Crescent Rd Murfreesboro, TN  37128 877-488-LIFE Home November 1, 2008 Division of Dockets Management HFA-305 Food & Drug Administration 5630 Fishers Lane Room 1061 Rockville, MD  20852 Phone:  301 827-5101 Ref: Docket Number...

Reprogram in German

Wird mit den Stammzellen auch die Meinung der Lebensrechtler reprogrammiert? von Debi Vinnedge Im November 2007 beschrieben Shinya Yamanaka und James Thomson in ihren Studien eine neue Stammzelltechnik. Mit dieser können durch einfache Reprogrammierung von adulten...


Die neuen Methoden der Stammzellreprogrammierung sind nicht „Pro-Life“-gemäß von Debra L. Vinnedge   Im November 2007 haben Dr. Shinya Yamanaka und Dr. James Thomson in zwei separaten wissenschaftlichen Studien die moralische Debatte über die embryonale...

Aids Vax

Note:  The aborted fetal cell line PER C6 which was used in the Merck AIDS vaccine is modified by Crucell NV with the troubling AD 5 vector.  PER C6 AD5 has been known to cause cancerous tumors in nude mice – and apparently, increased the risk of contracting...