Glaxo Products

GLAXO SMITHKLINE PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS  USA PRODUCT LIST If you choose to boycott Glaxo SmithKline due to their use of aborted fetal cell lines, following is a list of their products available in both the USA and abroad. VACCINE PRODUCTS Engerix-B Hepatitis B...

Fetal Vaccines

US & Canada Aborted Fetal Vaccines In CDC Recommended Immunization Schedule Format Updated: December 09, 2011  X  Indicates age vaccine is normally given.   F—T  (From and To) Indicates range of ages when vaccine or boosters are normally given. For Further...

Morally Acceptable

When the following article appeared in several Catholic publications, beginning in late February of this year, the public became aware of a little known fact about the vaccines we have given our children for years.  And the reaction and response has been rather...