CDC Info

In a recent letter from one of our supporters, the Center for Disease Control responded to the person’s concerns about the use of aborted fetal tissue in vaccines with erroneous information.  Children of God for Life was quick to respond:  Following are the CDC...

Voice Your Complaints

Let The Pharmaceutical Companies Know How You Feel! The following companies plan to use the new aborted fetal cell line PER C6 to develop important new vaccines.  They believe the public accepts such practices since there are existing vaccines using aborted fetal cell...

Merck Boycott

The Merck Boycott For over 30 years Merck has been using aborted fetal cell lines in the production of vaccines, despite the fact that there are ethical alternatives that could be used.  Further, when pressed to cease this immoral, unnecessary practice, Merck assured...

Campaign Supporters

Campaign For Ethical Research and Manufacturing We demand an end to the use of aborted children in scientific research.  Over 650,000 Joined Some Of Our Supporters  (In Alphabetical Order) Action Life League of Western Kentucky   Alaska Interior Right to Life,...


Is aborted fetal DNA in vaccines connected to Autism? Would it surprise you to know that prior to the introduction of the MMR vaccine that was produced using aborted fetal cell lines, the rate of autism in the United States was 1 in 10,000?  Would it surprise you to...