by Debi Vinnedge | Nov 7, 2003 | News, Terri Schiavo
In the Matter of Terri Schiavo: Most Reverend Robert F. Vasa, Diocese of Baker, Oregon For Mary and Bob Schindler: ….”Cannot people see that Terri is their baby and that their love for her has a value and that their love tells the world that Terri has...
by Debi Vinnedge | Nov 6, 2003 | News, Terri Schiavo
“Massive Confusion Re Church Teachings on Euthanasia by Pastors” Dr. Dianne N. Irving, M.A., Ph.D. November 6, 2003 Dr. Irving’s professional activities include teaching positions at Georgetown University, Catholic University...
by Debi Vinnedge | Nov 2, 2003 | News, Terri Schiavo
Open Letter to the USCCB by Barbara Kralis Director of Jesus Through Mary Foundation November 2, 2003 / Feast of All Souls Day I am imploring your Excellencies to please make a positive, definitive statement on behalf of the life of cognitively disabled Terri Schiavo,...
by Debi Vinnedge | Nov 2, 2003 | News, Terri Schiavo
On Letting Go, and Letting God…… Letting Terri Schiavo go to God. Published as a bulletin insert in Christ The King Catholic Parish, Fr. Desmond Daly, Pastor 11-3-03 The Schiavo and...
by Debi Vinnedge | Oct 31, 2003 | News, Terri Schiavo
October 31st, 2003 Dear Fr. O’Rourke, I am writing in response to your statements that were published in the Miami Herald on October 30, 2003 regarding the Terri Schiavo case. I would like to point out the following: 1) You have not only insulted the citizens and...
Want information to be in English
Dear GOD! Have mercy on this. Makes me want to vomit.