
Unbekannte Fakten: Impfstoffe und Abtreibung Während die Forschung mit embryonalen Stammzellen in Deutschland zur Zeit noch ein Thema in der öffentlichen Diskussion ist, bleibt der ethisch bedenkliche Hintergrund von Arzneimitteln, für deren Produktion fetale...

Vacunas Biotecnologia

VACUNAS, BIOTECNOLOGÍA Y SU RELACIÓN CON EL ABORTO PROVOCADO.  VACCINES, BIOTECHNOLOGY AND THEIR CONNECTION WITH INDUCED ABORTION.                                                              José Luis Redondo Calderón, Spain E mail:


Use of Human Cell Lines in Pharmaceuticals – Canada Various commercially available pharmaceutical products are derived from or cultivated on fetal cells lines that were obtained from abortions. Patients may have a biological, ethical or religious objection to...

Steven Kellmeyer

Medical Cannibals: The Moral Implications of Fetal Tissue Vaccines By Steven Kellmeyer “Childhood vaccination is against our religious beliefs.” While this statement is associated with religious groups like the Jehovah’s Witnesses, it may become much...

A Vaccine That Infects

“A Vaccine That Infects?” THE CATHOLIC WORLD REPORT February 1996, pages 43-45 (Excerpts from the article on the chickenpox vaccine) For decades now, vaccines have been produced by using fetal cell lines, and Merck’s Varivax is no exception. A cell...