Docket Number 2006D-0383 – NOW CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC
On September 28th, the FDA quietly issued new guidelines for the pharmaceutical industry regarding the use of various types of cell lines that are being used and will be used in the future for the manufacture of vaccines. And while they opened it for full public comment through December 28, 2006, they did not make it widely known through the mass media.
Children of God for Life stepped in and began coordinating efforts with our partners for life – American Life League, Human Life International, the Catholic Medical Association and the National Catholic Bioethics Center. Press releases were issued November 1st, full page ads were placed with Our Sunday Visitor and another half page ad with the National Catholic Register. Action Alerts were posted on our website with downloads for parish bulletin inserts, letter writing tips and petition forms. Thousands of brochures were mailed. The groundwork was laid – and slowly, but surely, the public responded.
We are told by insiders that on an average, the FDA receives anywhere from “a few dozen to a few thousand” letters when they open issues for public response. And while we know that many wrote without copying us or registering through our website, we have received over 27,000 responses! We are deeply grateful for all those who worked so hard to make this such a huge success! We heard from parishes, Respect Life groups, priests, bishops, medical professionals, pharmacists – even scientists and researchers themselves from around the world! Over 16 foreign countries let their voices be heard (at last count!) And we heard from the real fighters – the families who are so deeply affected by this injustice – all united in their efforts and prayers, so desperately needed to defeat the Culture of Death.
Many of you have asked, “Why is it so important that the public submits their comments to the FDA?” Others have asked, “What happens next?” Click here to read what the FDA has to say.
So many times we think that our little efforts could not make a difference, but God hears the cry of the poor, the oppressed, the weak – and He responds in His great mercy. To the thought that our efforts might not cause the pharmaceutical companies to think twice before choosing aborted fetal cell lines in the future we reiterate what we previously told you here…
Consider what Crucell NV had to say to their shareholders in December 2005 on using aborted fetal cell lines:
“The use of genetic technology and materials derived from human fetal tissue, such as PER.C6* technology, may raise ethical, legal and social issues that could hinder regulatory approval, patentability or market acceptance of our technologies and products developed using them. … Advocacy groups have taken issue in the past and may take issue in the future with the use of genetic technology or materials derived from human fetal tissue, which may hinder or adversely affect regulatory approval or market acceptance of our technologies and products developed using them…. We rely on license and other revenues from the licensing of our potential products, PER.C6 and our other technologies. If our licensees or partners do not continue to use our potential products, PER.C6 technology or other technologies, or if they terminate their agreements with us, we will earn less or no revenue from our agreements with them…If we or our licensees do not develop potential products based on our core technologies that are approved for sale and are commercially successful, we may be forced to cease operations.”
* Note: PER C6 is the newest aborted fetal cell line being used in development of several vaccines.
It was taken from the retinal tissue of an 18-week gestation aborted baby.
Without question, your action puts fear into their hearts…for if there is not acceptance of the vaccines they produce – if there is not a market for the remains of aborted children – if government officials truly care about the health of the population as a whole, this practice will ultimately cease. And it is without question, a chain effect that will also ultimately reduce the number of children aborted in the name of scientific research. How many women are coerced into believing they can do some good for society by simply aborting their child? How many donate their spare embryos, as scientists search for possible cures in the future? In fact, two great evils occur instead. An innocent child becomes a martyr for an unworthy cause and society coarsens itself into accepting the unacceptable out of fear that they or their loved ones might go unprotected from disease.
As our former Spiritual Counselor, Father Anthony Zimmerman once said, ” The pharmaceutical companies have put a stranglehold on the American public by forcing them to cooperate in their evil and use these immoral vaccines – and all the while, Satan laughs in delight!”
We are sure Father Zimmerman is the one laughing in delight from his place in heaven – for with all of your efforts, today at least, we have defeated them.
May God bless all of you in abundance in the coming year and always for the wonderful work you have done! We are deeply humbled and honored to have served you and Our Lord in this mission!
Debi Vinnedge, Executive Director
Children of God for Life
Click below to read some of the letters – including one outrageous response from the CDC.
In Response to the FDA Public Comments:
The National Catholic Bioethics Center
The Catholic Medical Association
Florida Catholic Conference of Bishops
Children of God for Life – Letter 1 – November 1
Children of God for Life – Letter 2 – December 26
CDC Response To One Letter Writer – and Our Comments
Children of God for Life Final Letter to the FDA – December 26th
Children of God for Life – Final Letters to HHS and the CDC – January 4, 2007
Although the FDA deadline for public comment has passed, you can still write to the CDC and HHS to let them know how you feel about the use of aborted fetal cell lines in future vaccine development.
Write to them at:
Julie L. Gerberding, Director
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
1600 Clifton Rd
Atlanta, GA 30333
Secretary Michael O. Leavitt
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20201
Want information to be in English
Dear GOD! Have mercy on this. Makes me want to vomit.